Page 66 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 66
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation
Energy efficiency policy
and measures towards its
improvement in Poland
By Ryszard Wnuk, The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency
Poland has made a decreased to over ten percent organizational infrastructure;
significant progress but compared to the most
on the way to meeting efficient economies it still remains • make use of the national
its national target significant. potential in the field of energy
in the field of rational energy efficiency improvement;
management, i.e. achieving, by ENERGY POLICY OF POLAND
2016, the final energy savings of UNTIL 2030 • take into account technological
no less than 9% of the average Since 2010 Poland has been requirements relating
national final energy consumption implementing the “Energy to energy generation,
in 2001-2005. As a result of GDP Policy of Poland until 2030”. The transmission or distribution.
growth being faster than the policy, developed pursuant to
growth in energy consumption, the Act of 10 April 1997 - Energy The Energy Policy of Poland sets
primary energy intensity and final Law (Journal of Laws of 2012, out the following measures to
energy intensity decreased (with item 1059, as amended) aims improve energy efficiency:
the exception of the year 2010). at tackling the main challenges
In 2006-2009, the improvement facing the Polish energy sector • Setting the national energy
rate exceeded 5% for primary both in the short term perspective efficiency increase target;
energy consumption intensity, and and in the long-term perspective
amounted to nearly 4% for final until 2030. • Introducing a systemic
energy consumption intensity. The mechanism to support
sector with the largest demand Energy Policy of Poland is aimed measures aimed at attaining
for final energy was industry, at increasing energy efficiency the national energy efficiency
although its demand dropped of the country’s economy which improvement target;
from approximately 38% in translates into a reduction of its
2000 to 30.5% in 2011. Energy- energy intensity. The policy is • Stimulating development
intensive industries (steel industry, implemented with the following of cogeneration through
chemical industry and mineral goals in mind: support mechanisms taking
industry) consumed about 60% into account cogeneration
of the overall industrial energy • the planning of activities sources up to 1 MW as
consumption. At the same time, which to the largest possible well as adequate policy of
a significant increase in energy extent are based on market municipalities;
demand, from 16.8% to 25.4%, mechanisms and to the lowest
occurred in the transport sector. possible extent make use of • Using mandatory energy
The share of household sector public funding; performance certificates for
consumption was 27%-29%, and buildings and apartments
the share of agricultural sector • pursue the goals in upon their marketing or
consumption dropped from 7.7% accordance with the principle renting;
to 5.2%. Poland’s distance to of cost effectiveness, inter alia
the average European values of through the maximum use • Determining energy intensity
key energy efficiency indicators of existing mechanisms and of devices and energy
Energy efficiency policy
and measures towards its
improvement in Poland
By Ryszard Wnuk, The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency
Poland has made a decreased to over ten percent organizational infrastructure;
significant progress but compared to the most
on the way to meeting efficient economies it still remains • make use of the national
its national target significant. potential in the field of energy
in the field of rational energy efficiency improvement;
management, i.e. achieving, by ENERGY POLICY OF POLAND
2016, the final energy savings of UNTIL 2030 • take into account technological
no less than 9% of the average Since 2010 Poland has been requirements relating
national final energy consumption implementing the “Energy to energy generation,
in 2001-2005. As a result of GDP Policy of Poland until 2030”. The transmission or distribution.
growth being faster than the policy, developed pursuant to
growth in energy consumption, the Act of 10 April 1997 - Energy The Energy Policy of Poland sets
primary energy intensity and final Law (Journal of Laws of 2012, out the following measures to
energy intensity decreased (with item 1059, as amended) aims improve energy efficiency:
the exception of the year 2010). at tackling the main challenges
In 2006-2009, the improvement facing the Polish energy sector • Setting the national energy
rate exceeded 5% for primary both in the short term perspective efficiency increase target;
energy consumption intensity, and and in the long-term perspective
amounted to nearly 4% for final until 2030. • Introducing a systemic
energy consumption intensity. The mechanism to support
sector with the largest demand Energy Policy of Poland is aimed measures aimed at attaining
for final energy was industry, at increasing energy efficiency the national energy efficiency
although its demand dropped of the country’s economy which improvement target;
from approximately 38% in translates into a reduction of its
2000 to 30.5% in 2011. Energy- energy intensity. The policy is • Stimulating development
intensive industries (steel industry, implemented with the following of cogeneration through
chemical industry and mineral goals in mind: support mechanisms taking
industry) consumed about 60% into account cogeneration
of the overall industrial energy • the planning of activities sources up to 1 MW as
consumption. At the same time, which to the largest possible well as adequate policy of
a significant increase in energy extent are based on market municipalities;
demand, from 16.8% to 25.4%, mechanisms and to the lowest
occurred in the transport sector. possible extent make use of • Using mandatory energy
The share of household sector public funding; performance certificates for
consumption was 27%-29%, and buildings and apartments
the share of agricultural sector • pursue the goals in upon their marketing or
consumption dropped from 7.7% accordance with the principle renting;
to 5.2%. Poland’s distance to of cost effectiveness, inter alia
the average European values of through the maximum use • Determining energy intensity
key energy efficiency indicators of existing mechanisms and of devices and energy