Page 63 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 63
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation 63
Now is the time to change
Europe’s windows
By Bertrand CAZES, Secretary General, Glass for Europe
On July 22nd, increase its stock of oil and gas, 2030 framework for climate inefficient
the European while pursuing a diversification and energy policies and the
Commission of supply strategy over the current geopolitical tensions
published a long-term, through investments at the eastern border of the EU
Communication on the EU in grids interconnection and provide the momentum for such
energy efficiency framework by new pipelines. However, such paradigm shift in EU energy
2030. This Communication was an approach does not solve the policy. This new paradigm should
supposed to lay out a strategy to fundamental problem associated be to prioritize energy demand
improve the EU efficient use of with high energy prices and its reduction and efficient use of
energy, including policy ambition consequences for EU households energy over indigenous energy
and proposal for concrete and businesses. This will not sources development and
actions. In fact, it only proposes to solve energy waste issues either. diversification of imports.
improve energy efficiency by 30% Indeed, huge amount of energy In practice, it means starting
in 2030, but does not specify, nor are wasted each year in Europe by reducing energy demand
give indications on how this could mainly in the built environment, in buildings, through thermal
be achieved. It only highlights the since buildings account for about renovation of the building
huge cost-effective energy saving 40% of the EU overall energy Glazing type distribution in the EU
potential associated with the consumption and the majority
renovation of existing buildings. of existing buildings are poorly 85%
insulated. In addition, EU countries
It even rightly suggests the huge which are the most dependent on l Single glazing 44%
energy efficiency gains which one single fossil fuel supplier are l Early uncoated double galzing 42%
could be achieved thanks to also the one where buildings are l Modern Low-E coated double glazing 12%
state-of-the-art windows, when the most energy inefficient. l Triple glazing 2%
stressing that 44% of windows
are still single-glazed in the EU. Against this backdrop, it would
Unfortunately, no measures are not be a sound investment to
suggested to address this fate. spend billions of euros over the
next decade to reduce energy
REDUCING THE IMPACT OF dependency upon one supplier,
ENERGY DEPENDENCE while continuing to waste
At a time when Europe is directly significant amount of energy in
confronted with the economic, poorly insulated buildings. Now
political and geostrategic is the time for a paradigm shift in
consequences of its growing the EU energy policy.
energy dependency, the EU
needs an urgent plan to reduce A NEW PARADIGM FOR
its energy dependency. ENERGY POLICY
The upcoming adoption by
In the short term, the EU can the European Council of the
Now is the time to change
Europe’s windows
By Bertrand CAZES, Secretary General, Glass for Europe
On July 22nd, increase its stock of oil and gas, 2030 framework for climate inefficient
the European while pursuing a diversification and energy policies and the
Commission of supply strategy over the current geopolitical tensions
published a long-term, through investments at the eastern border of the EU
Communication on the EU in grids interconnection and provide the momentum for such
energy efficiency framework by new pipelines. However, such paradigm shift in EU energy
2030. This Communication was an approach does not solve the policy. This new paradigm should
supposed to lay out a strategy to fundamental problem associated be to prioritize energy demand
improve the EU efficient use of with high energy prices and its reduction and efficient use of
energy, including policy ambition consequences for EU households energy over indigenous energy
and proposal for concrete and businesses. This will not sources development and
actions. In fact, it only proposes to solve energy waste issues either. diversification of imports.
improve energy efficiency by 30% Indeed, huge amount of energy In practice, it means starting
in 2030, but does not specify, nor are wasted each year in Europe by reducing energy demand
give indications on how this could mainly in the built environment, in buildings, through thermal
be achieved. It only highlights the since buildings account for about renovation of the building
huge cost-effective energy saving 40% of the EU overall energy Glazing type distribution in the EU
potential associated with the consumption and the majority
renovation of existing buildings. of existing buildings are poorly 85%
insulated. In addition, EU countries
It even rightly suggests the huge which are the most dependent on l Single glazing 44%
energy efficiency gains which one single fossil fuel supplier are l Early uncoated double galzing 42%
could be achieved thanks to also the one where buildings are l Modern Low-E coated double glazing 12%
state-of-the-art windows, when the most energy inefficient. l Triple glazing 2%
stressing that 44% of windows
are still single-glazed in the EU. Against this backdrop, it would
Unfortunately, no measures are not be a sound investment to
suggested to address this fate. spend billions of euros over the
next decade to reduce energy
REDUCING THE IMPACT OF dependency upon one supplier,
ENERGY DEPENDENCE while continuing to waste
At a time when Europe is directly significant amount of energy in
confronted with the economic, poorly insulated buildings. Now
political and geostrategic is the time for a paradigm shift in
consequences of its growing the EU energy policy.
energy dependency, the EU
needs an urgent plan to reduce A NEW PARADIGM FOR
its energy dependency. ENERGY POLICY
The upcoming adoption by
In the short term, the EU can the European Council of the