Page 64 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 64
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation
Glazing insulation performances envelope. However, given by modern solutions will also
Ug value W/m2 K the importance in volume of have the immediate consequence
the European building stock, of reducing households’
975 TJ of energy and 100 million tonnes of CO2 following this thermal renovation energy bills thanks to reduced
to be saved annually thanks to modern glazing path requires long-term planning heating and cooling needs
solutions and clear political ambition to while improving comfort. Most
attract investments. This is why importantly, replacing inefficient
5.8 high policy ambition for energy windows by efficient ones is
efficiency by 2030 and concrete also a significant step towards
2.7 policy measures are needed. mitigating the economic effects of
high energy prices for households
1.1 PRIORITIZE WINDOW and reducing the negative
0.7 RENOVATION THROUGH consequences of a gas supply
ADEQUATE POLICY disruption during winter.
Single Early Modern Coated INSTRUMENTS
glazing uncoated Low-E triple In the short term, priority should To facilitate the replacement
coated glazing be given to replacing the 44% of existing windows, an EU
double double of windows in Europe that are energy labelling scheme for
galzing glazing still single-glazed with high- windows needs to be rapidly
performance double and triple developed to provide clear and
glazed windows. These modern easy information to consumers
glazing solutions are 5 to 8 times about the energy performance
more insulating than single of windows on the market and to
glazed windows. By the way, serve as a policy tool for subsidies
modern glazing solutions are also and fiscal incentives.
nearly 4 times more performant
than the early uncoated double Once the EU energy labelling
glazed windows installed from scheme has been adopted,
the 1970’s to the early 1990’s and Member States should be
which represent about 42% of required by a revised Energy
existing windows. A study by the Performance of Buildings
Dutch Scientific TNO estimates Directive to establish fiscal
that 975 TJ of energy and 100 incentives for the replacement of
million tonnes of CO2 could be inefficient windows by top-rated
saved annually if all buildings products and set out new minimal
in Europe were equipped with energy performance for window
adequate windows solutions. replacements based on the
Replacing single-glazed windows energy ranking of the label. l
Glazing insulation performances envelope. However, given by modern solutions will also
Ug value W/m2 K the importance in volume of have the immediate consequence
the European building stock, of reducing households’
975 TJ of energy and 100 million tonnes of CO2 following this thermal renovation energy bills thanks to reduced
to be saved annually thanks to modern glazing path requires long-term planning heating and cooling needs
solutions and clear political ambition to while improving comfort. Most
attract investments. This is why importantly, replacing inefficient
5.8 high policy ambition for energy windows by efficient ones is
efficiency by 2030 and concrete also a significant step towards
2.7 policy measures are needed. mitigating the economic effects of
high energy prices for households
1.1 PRIORITIZE WINDOW and reducing the negative
0.7 RENOVATION THROUGH consequences of a gas supply
ADEQUATE POLICY disruption during winter.
Single Early Modern Coated INSTRUMENTS
glazing uncoated Low-E triple In the short term, priority should To facilitate the replacement
coated glazing be given to replacing the 44% of existing windows, an EU
double double of windows in Europe that are energy labelling scheme for
galzing glazing still single-glazed with high- windows needs to be rapidly
performance double and triple developed to provide clear and
glazed windows. These modern easy information to consumers
glazing solutions are 5 to 8 times about the energy performance
more insulating than single of windows on the market and to
glazed windows. By the way, serve as a policy tool for subsidies
modern glazing solutions are also and fiscal incentives.
nearly 4 times more performant
than the early uncoated double Once the EU energy labelling
glazed windows installed from scheme has been adopted,
the 1970’s to the early 1990’s and Member States should be
which represent about 42% of required by a revised Energy
existing windows. A study by the Performance of Buildings
Dutch Scientific TNO estimates Directive to establish fiscal
that 975 TJ of energy and 100 incentives for the replacement of
million tonnes of CO2 could be inefficient windows by top-rated
saved annually if all buildings products and set out new minimal
in Europe were equipped with energy performance for window
adequate windows solutions. replacements based on the
Replacing single-glazed windows energy ranking of the label. l