Page 67 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
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Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation 67
consuming products, as well time and their implementation taken by citizens in order to
as introducing minimum was evaluated in the subsequent increase energy savings;
standards for energy- National Energy Efficiency Action
consuming products; Plans. • financial obstacles (e.g. lack of
predetermined budget, limited
• Committing the public sector FIRST AND SECOND ENERGY assistance funds);
to serve as an exemplary role EFFICIENCY ACTION PLANS
in the field of economical Pursuant to Article 14 paragraph • small-scale effects of energy
consumption of energy; 2 of Directive 2006/32/EC, saving measures taken by
in 2007 the Polish Ministry of households;
• Providing support to energy Economy developed the first
saving investments, through National Energy Efficiency Action • limited knowledge and low
preferential loans and Plan (NEEAP). The document awareness of energy consumers
grants from domestic and determined the final energy (e.g. lack of knowledge of
European funds, including saving target for the year 2016. sources of information on
funds available under The target was set as no less than energy efficiency).
the Act on supporting 9% of average annual energy
thermal modernisation and consumption in the period 2001 In Poland until 2011 there
renovation, the Operational - 2005 (i.e. about 53 452 GWh). was no legislation that would
Programme Infrastructure and Also, an interim national energy ensure the implementation of
Environment, and the National saving target was determined energy efficiency improvement
Fund for Environmental for the year 2010 in the amount programmes and measures
Protection and Water of 2%. The interim target was a necessary to achieve the required
Management; stage on the path of achieving the savings. There were not existed
2016 target and helped to assess sufficiently strong market
• Supporting research and the progress in its achievement. mechanisms to encourage the
development work on new The Energy Efficiency Action implementation of energy saving
solutions and technologies Plan also outlined the measures measures. Therefore, a new
reducing energy consumption and activities implemented and legal regulation entitled Energy
in all fields of energy planned at the national level with Efficiency Act, was adopted on
processing and use; the aim to achieve the national 15 April 2011, with the aim to
indicative targets in the period in develop mechanisms to stimulate
• Applying Demand Side question. energy efficiency improvement.
Management techniques The Act introduced the obligation
stimulated e.g. by The main difficulties in to obtain a sufficient number of
diversification of distribution developing the energy efficiency energy efficiency certificates (so-
fees within a day and of improvement measures and called white certificates) by energy
electricity prices, based on the implementation of the first companies selling electricity, heat
reference prices resulting National Energy Efficiency Action or natural gas to final customers
from the introduction of an Plan (2007) were: connected to the grid or network
intra-day market, and sending within the territory of Poland.
price signals to customers • too little interest in the energy
through remote two-way efficiency improvement The second National Action
communication via smart measures on the side of Plan included a description of
meters; energy companies; energy efficiency improvement
measures relating to final
• Informational and educational • lack of incentives in the form energy consumption, as well as
campaigns promoting efficient of preferential tariffs for calculations of energy savings
energy consumption. consumers who rationally use achieved in 2008-2009 and
energy; expected by 2016 in accordance
The above mentioned measures with the requirements of the
were improved and updated with • too little support for measures above mentioned directives.
consuming products, as well time and their implementation taken by citizens in order to
as introducing minimum was evaluated in the subsequent increase energy savings;
standards for energy- National Energy Efficiency Action
consuming products; Plans. • financial obstacles (e.g. lack of
predetermined budget, limited
• Committing the public sector FIRST AND SECOND ENERGY assistance funds);
to serve as an exemplary role EFFICIENCY ACTION PLANS
in the field of economical Pursuant to Article 14 paragraph • small-scale effects of energy
consumption of energy; 2 of Directive 2006/32/EC, saving measures taken by
in 2007 the Polish Ministry of households;
• Providing support to energy Economy developed the first
saving investments, through National Energy Efficiency Action • limited knowledge and low
preferential loans and Plan (NEEAP). The document awareness of energy consumers
grants from domestic and determined the final energy (e.g. lack of knowledge of
European funds, including saving target for the year 2016. sources of information on
funds available under The target was set as no less than energy efficiency).
the Act on supporting 9% of average annual energy
thermal modernisation and consumption in the period 2001 In Poland until 2011 there
renovation, the Operational - 2005 (i.e. about 53 452 GWh). was no legislation that would
Programme Infrastructure and Also, an interim national energy ensure the implementation of
Environment, and the National saving target was determined energy efficiency improvement
Fund for Environmental for the year 2010 in the amount programmes and measures
Protection and Water of 2%. The interim target was a necessary to achieve the required
Management; stage on the path of achieving the savings. There were not existed
2016 target and helped to assess sufficiently strong market
• Supporting research and the progress in its achievement. mechanisms to encourage the
development work on new The Energy Efficiency Action implementation of energy saving
solutions and technologies Plan also outlined the measures measures. Therefore, a new
reducing energy consumption and activities implemented and legal regulation entitled Energy
in all fields of energy planned at the national level with Efficiency Act, was adopted on
processing and use; the aim to achieve the national 15 April 2011, with the aim to
indicative targets in the period in develop mechanisms to stimulate
• Applying Demand Side question. energy efficiency improvement.
Management techniques The Act introduced the obligation
stimulated e.g. by The main difficulties in to obtain a sufficient number of
diversification of distribution developing the energy efficiency energy efficiency certificates (so-
fees within a day and of improvement measures and called white certificates) by energy
electricity prices, based on the implementation of the first companies selling electricity, heat
reference prices resulting National Energy Efficiency Action or natural gas to final customers
from the introduction of an Plan (2007) were: connected to the grid or network
intra-day market, and sending within the territory of Poland.
price signals to customers • too little interest in the energy
through remote two-way efficiency improvement The second National Action
communication via smart measures on the side of Plan included a description of
meters; energy companies; energy efficiency improvement
measures relating to final
• Informational and educational • lack of incentives in the form energy consumption, as well as
campaigns promoting efficient of preferential tariffs for calculations of energy savings
energy consumption. consumers who rationally use achieved in 2008-2009 and
energy; expected by 2016 in accordance
The above mentioned measures with the requirements of the
were improved and updated with • too little support for measures above mentioned directives.