Page 23 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2015 publication
P. 23
Autumn 2015 European Energy Innovation 23
making the same kind of Supply Chain Management shipping lines to enable the use
decisions normal human (RSM) academic knowledge on of nearby local empty depots,
transport planners make, but in management and economics is enhancing reloading possibilities;
an optimal way. A key feature is translated into practical insights another is the potential to also
the retained autonomy with the and business solutions for the include rail or inland barging, as
individual company’s planner. port and logistics sectors. By is the case with PARIS. This not
Boxreload works in conjunction combining the research skills only gives more optimisation
with hauliers’ existing order and of Erasmus with the transport possibilities but could also
planning systems (TMS). Once planning and optimisation result in further reductions in
connected to Boxreload, a haulier experience of the PARIS division, road freight kilometers per
can request partnerships with insights are gained on the match. Furthermore, after some
other hauliers. As an analogy, specific benefits, barriers and further initiatives already taken
consider accepting friends on potentialities of the Boxreload in Belgium and Spain, the aim is
Facebook: both users have to platform. These insights help the to explore the scope for further
agree to be ‘partners’ before they further refinement of the system commercial deployments around
can see each other’s profile and and support the implementation. other major (inland)ports in
reloading opportunities between For the researchers of Erasmus Europe. l
each other. And whether or not University Boxreload enhances
to accept a solution generated by its knowledge base on business
the system remains the planner’s model innovation and new
own decision. Sensitive customer business network developments
information is never displayed in in the logistics sector, feeding into
Boxreload. new research and educational
materials. Such cooperation
JOINT RESEARCH ACTION between industry and knowledge
WITH ERASMUS UNIVERSITY institutes enhances innovations
ROTTERDAM and increases value for society, at
Notwithstanding the quality of an the same time benefitting both
underlying system, collaboration parties.
is not an easy process. Many
initiatives in the past have failed NEXT STEPS
and still there are not as many The aim is to further develop
collaborative platforms as one Boxreload into a commercial
would expect in the different system, identify any further
transport sectors, considering modifications that are required
the challenges and the potential to meet the needs of a greater
benefits collaboration can deliver. variety of users and increase
Implementing such collaborative the system’s functionality. One
systems needs careful evaluation example is the integration of
of market potential and the Boxreload system with the
improvements needed, as to fit
the needs and preferences of the More Information:
potential users and to remove Hutchison Paris Optimal Planning Division: Andy Barker:
potential barriers.
Erasmus University - RHV: Larissa van der Lugt:
To succeed in this, Hutchison Erasmus University - RSM: Rob Zuidwijk:
Ports has for the pilot project BoxReload NL sales manager: Ilonka Spruit:
teamed up with Erasmus
University Rotterdam. At the
departments Urban Port and
Transport Economics (RHV) and
making the same kind of Supply Chain Management shipping lines to enable the use
decisions normal human (RSM) academic knowledge on of nearby local empty depots,
transport planners make, but in management and economics is enhancing reloading possibilities;
an optimal way. A key feature is translated into practical insights another is the potential to also
the retained autonomy with the and business solutions for the include rail or inland barging, as
individual company’s planner. port and logistics sectors. By is the case with PARIS. This not
Boxreload works in conjunction combining the research skills only gives more optimisation
with hauliers’ existing order and of Erasmus with the transport possibilities but could also
planning systems (TMS). Once planning and optimisation result in further reductions in
connected to Boxreload, a haulier experience of the PARIS division, road freight kilometers per
can request partnerships with insights are gained on the match. Furthermore, after some
other hauliers. As an analogy, specific benefits, barriers and further initiatives already taken
consider accepting friends on potentialities of the Boxreload in Belgium and Spain, the aim is
Facebook: both users have to platform. These insights help the to explore the scope for further
agree to be ‘partners’ before they further refinement of the system commercial deployments around
can see each other’s profile and and support the implementation. other major (inland)ports in
reloading opportunities between For the researchers of Erasmus Europe. l
each other. And whether or not University Boxreload enhances
to accept a solution generated by its knowledge base on business
the system remains the planner’s model innovation and new
own decision. Sensitive customer business network developments
information is never displayed in in the logistics sector, feeding into
Boxreload. new research and educational
materials. Such cooperation
JOINT RESEARCH ACTION between industry and knowledge
WITH ERASMUS UNIVERSITY institutes enhances innovations
ROTTERDAM and increases value for society, at
Notwithstanding the quality of an the same time benefitting both
underlying system, collaboration parties.
is not an easy process. Many
initiatives in the past have failed NEXT STEPS
and still there are not as many The aim is to further develop
collaborative platforms as one Boxreload into a commercial
would expect in the different system, identify any further
transport sectors, considering modifications that are required
the challenges and the potential to meet the needs of a greater
benefits collaboration can deliver. variety of users and increase
Implementing such collaborative the system’s functionality. One
systems needs careful evaluation example is the integration of
of market potential and the Boxreload system with the
improvements needed, as to fit
the needs and preferences of the More Information:
potential users and to remove Hutchison Paris Optimal Planning Division: Andy Barker:
potential barriers.
Erasmus University - RHV: Larissa van der Lugt:
To succeed in this, Hutchison Erasmus University - RSM: Rob Zuidwijk:
Ports has for the pilot project BoxReload NL sales manager: Ilonka Spruit:
teamed up with Erasmus
University Rotterdam. At the
departments Urban Port and
Transport Economics (RHV) and