Page 28 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2015 publication
P. 28
Autumn 2015 European Energy Innovation
PEMA: Pooling expertise for
more efficient ports
Virtually everything PEMA, headquartered in Brussels, AUTOMATION AND EFFICIENCY
we see, use, eat or celebrated its 10th anniversary Since its first appearance in
otherwise consume in 2014, and its membership, ports and terminals in the
has, at some point, which has grown rapidly in 1990s, automation has become
been transported in a shipping recent years, now stands at increasingly widely accepted as
container – a shipping container nearly 90 companies – from niche an effective way for ports and
that has been carried by a equipment suppliers to major terminals to improve the handling
container ship, often across vast conglomerates – representing of large container vessels.
distances. key players in all areas of the
ports and terminals sector, Driverless yard cranes, commonly
As container ships become including crane, equipment known as automated stacking
ever larger – the biggest now and component manufacturers, cranes, (ASCs), are the most
hold more than 19,000 Twenty- automation, software and mature and widely deployed of
foot Equivalent Units (TEU), technology providers, and the robotic container handling
and several vessels capable of consultants and other experts. equipment so far developed.
carrying more than 20,000 TEU The Association’s scope is However, unmanned automated
are currently on order – how these genuinely global, with members guided vehicles, (AGVs),
jumbo-sized vessels are loaded based in Asia, the Americas, and shuttle carriers to move
and off-loaded is increasingly Europe and the Middle East, and containers between the quayside
becoming a pressing issue for many companies with operations and yard stack are also gaining
decision makers, along with the worldwide. ground. The industry has also
logistics infrastructure needed to recently seen the first deployment
subsequently handle the huge PEMA divides its activities of remotely controlled ship-
amount of containers these into three main committees: toshore quay cranes, relocating
vessels transport. its Safety & Environment the operator from a cabin in the
Committee, Automation & crane to a central control room.
The Port Equipment Control Technologies Committee, Alongside the development of
manufacturers Association, and Equipment Design & robotic equipment, a growing
(PEMA), works to pool the Infrastructure Committee. array of automated locating,
expertise of its members to, identification and sensor
in turn, improve the efficiency “PEMA strives to improve safety, technology is being developed
with which ports operate. It operational efficiency and to help ports improve the safety
provides a forum and public reduce environmental impact at and efficiency of their operations
voice for the global ports and ports and terminals worldwide,” by automating manual logistics
terminals equipment and explains PEMA President, Ottonel processes.
technology sectors, and publishes Popesco.
independent data, produces PEMA is helping ports and port
recommendations on common The Association regularly authorities in this process by
standards and represents publishes White Papers, providing data and best practice
stakeholders’ interests in three key recommendations and guidance on how these systems
areas: safety, technology and the independent reports on port can improve efficiency.
environment, thereby taking steps equipment use, characteristics
to make the global ports sector and sales, as well as hosting In July, PEMA published a
not only more efficient, but also seminars and panel discussions paper on laser technologies,
safer and more environmentally at a variety of industry events. highlighting how collaboration
sustainable. Here, we take a closer You can review PEMA’s between terminal operators and
look at PEMA’s broadening range published material at: laser technology manufacturers
of activities. publications/. has resulted in rapid
PEMA: Pooling expertise for
more efficient ports
Virtually everything PEMA, headquartered in Brussels, AUTOMATION AND EFFICIENCY
we see, use, eat or celebrated its 10th anniversary Since its first appearance in
otherwise consume in 2014, and its membership, ports and terminals in the
has, at some point, which has grown rapidly in 1990s, automation has become
been transported in a shipping recent years, now stands at increasingly widely accepted as
container – a shipping container nearly 90 companies – from niche an effective way for ports and
that has been carried by a equipment suppliers to major terminals to improve the handling
container ship, often across vast conglomerates – representing of large container vessels.
distances. key players in all areas of the
ports and terminals sector, Driverless yard cranes, commonly
As container ships become including crane, equipment known as automated stacking
ever larger – the biggest now and component manufacturers, cranes, (ASCs), are the most
hold more than 19,000 Twenty- automation, software and mature and widely deployed of
foot Equivalent Units (TEU), technology providers, and the robotic container handling
and several vessels capable of consultants and other experts. equipment so far developed.
carrying more than 20,000 TEU The Association’s scope is However, unmanned automated
are currently on order – how these genuinely global, with members guided vehicles, (AGVs),
jumbo-sized vessels are loaded based in Asia, the Americas, and shuttle carriers to move
and off-loaded is increasingly Europe and the Middle East, and containers between the quayside
becoming a pressing issue for many companies with operations and yard stack are also gaining
decision makers, along with the worldwide. ground. The industry has also
logistics infrastructure needed to recently seen the first deployment
subsequently handle the huge PEMA divides its activities of remotely controlled ship-
amount of containers these into three main committees: toshore quay cranes, relocating
vessels transport. its Safety & Environment the operator from a cabin in the
Committee, Automation & crane to a central control room.
The Port Equipment Control Technologies Committee, Alongside the development of
manufacturers Association, and Equipment Design & robotic equipment, a growing
(PEMA), works to pool the Infrastructure Committee. array of automated locating,
expertise of its members to, identification and sensor
in turn, improve the efficiency “PEMA strives to improve safety, technology is being developed
with which ports operate. It operational efficiency and to help ports improve the safety
provides a forum and public reduce environmental impact at and efficiency of their operations
voice for the global ports and ports and terminals worldwide,” by automating manual logistics
terminals equipment and explains PEMA President, Ottonel processes.
technology sectors, and publishes Popesco.
independent data, produces PEMA is helping ports and port
recommendations on common The Association regularly authorities in this process by
standards and represents publishes White Papers, providing data and best practice
stakeholders’ interests in three key recommendations and guidance on how these systems
areas: safety, technology and the independent reports on port can improve efficiency.
environment, thereby taking steps equipment use, characteristics
to make the global ports sector and sales, as well as hosting In July, PEMA published a
not only more efficient, but also seminars and panel discussions paper on laser technologies,
safer and more environmentally at a variety of industry events. highlighting how collaboration
sustainable. Here, we take a closer You can review PEMA’s between terminal operators and
look at PEMA’s broadening range published material at: laser technology manufacturers
of activities. publications/. has resulted in rapid