Page 29 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2015 publication
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Autumn 2015 European Energy Innovation 29
improvements in performance tracking technologies also make 1), such as cruise and container
at a growing variety of port and an important contribution to ships, tankers, bulk vessels,
terminal applications. And it is not improved operational efficiency. passenger ferries, (Ro/Ro and
only heavy-duty equipment that Ro/Pax), has been in place since
can be automated. Another area PEMA also plays a role in 2012. This is also part of the
where automation can improve supporting the ports and European directive, under which
efficiency and reduce costs is terminals sector in discussing and all ports will have to offer shore
lighting. The introduction of meeting legislative requirements side electricity.
LED lighting with, for example, related to environmental issues.
‘Instant-on’ technologies, reduces Key areas here are shore side The International Electrotechnical
energy consumption as well light electricity, also known as ‘cold Commission Standardisation
pollution. ironing’, and the electrification of Committee continues to work to
equipment such as cranes, trains, broaden the application of this
SAFER AND GREENER PORTS and trucks. specification, and is also working
Safety remains a key issue in on a standard for smaller ships,
the ports and terminals sector, Shore side electricity involves (80005-3), such as offshore supply
and PEMA has been active in ships in port switching off their vessels, river cruisers, and larger
this area for a number of years, engines and connecting to fisheries vessels.
publishing information papers the electrical grid. This results
and recommendations for ports in substantial reductions in “A large set of shore power
and terminal operators. emissions of sulphur and nitrogen technologies is now available
oxides and particulate matter to meet the all types of port
PEMA’s activities in this field focus from ships. applications. Furthermore, an
primarily on reducing risk to increasing number of companies
personnel, and also incorporate Shore power technologies have involved in the shore side
steps to reduce the likelihood been around for many years electricity sector are joining
of accidents that result in costly and are becomingly increasingly PEMA,” says PEMA’s Safety &
equipment and infrastructure widely used. In the EU, funding Environment Committee Vice
damage. The Association also is available for ports to introduce Chair, Loréne Grandidier.
co-operates with other bodies shore power technologies, and
such as the TT Club and ICHCA the 28-member bloc introduced PEMA is currently working on a
International, to publish guidance the Deployment of Alternative technical paper on the application
on safety standards. Fuel Infrastructures directive in of shore side electricity, which
October 2014 that makes shore will highlight best practice in the
PEMA has highlighted the need side electricity mandatory (in application of these technologies.
for advanced safety systems to most cases) for European ports
be fitted to vehicles that provide by 2025. “PEMA continues to support
a high degree of diagnostic efforts of the global ports
coverage to detect people and While issues over common sector to improve operational
other vehicles. standards for shore side electricity efficiency – so the behemoths of
between Europe, the US and Asia the oceans enabling world trade
Automatic collision prevention had impacted implementation, are handled effectively– as well
devices, driver assistance systems, an international shore side as improving safety and reducing
automatic laser-based reach connection standard for larger environmental impact,” concludes
stacker assistance system and vessels, (ISO/IEC/IEEE 80005- Popesco. l
container weighing technologies
all support the safe and secure For more information on this material, please contact Rachael White, PEMA Secretary
handling of containers. General at: Tel +44 20 8279 9403 | You can learn more about
As well as improving safety and
security, these sorts of container-
improvements in performance tracking technologies also make 1), such as cruise and container
at a growing variety of port and an important contribution to ships, tankers, bulk vessels,
terminal applications. And it is not improved operational efficiency. passenger ferries, (Ro/Ro and
only heavy-duty equipment that Ro/Pax), has been in place since
can be automated. Another area PEMA also plays a role in 2012. This is also part of the
where automation can improve supporting the ports and European directive, under which
efficiency and reduce costs is terminals sector in discussing and all ports will have to offer shore
lighting. The introduction of meeting legislative requirements side electricity.
LED lighting with, for example, related to environmental issues.
‘Instant-on’ technologies, reduces Key areas here are shore side The International Electrotechnical
energy consumption as well light electricity, also known as ‘cold Commission Standardisation
pollution. ironing’, and the electrification of Committee continues to work to
equipment such as cranes, trains, broaden the application of this
SAFER AND GREENER PORTS and trucks. specification, and is also working
Safety remains a key issue in on a standard for smaller ships,
the ports and terminals sector, Shore side electricity involves (80005-3), such as offshore supply
and PEMA has been active in ships in port switching off their vessels, river cruisers, and larger
this area for a number of years, engines and connecting to fisheries vessels.
publishing information papers the electrical grid. This results
and recommendations for ports in substantial reductions in “A large set of shore power
and terminal operators. emissions of sulphur and nitrogen technologies is now available
oxides and particulate matter to meet the all types of port
PEMA’s activities in this field focus from ships. applications. Furthermore, an
primarily on reducing risk to increasing number of companies
personnel, and also incorporate Shore power technologies have involved in the shore side
steps to reduce the likelihood been around for many years electricity sector are joining
of accidents that result in costly and are becomingly increasingly PEMA,” says PEMA’s Safety &
equipment and infrastructure widely used. In the EU, funding Environment Committee Vice
damage. The Association also is available for ports to introduce Chair, Loréne Grandidier.
co-operates with other bodies shore power technologies, and
such as the TT Club and ICHCA the 28-member bloc introduced PEMA is currently working on a
International, to publish guidance the Deployment of Alternative technical paper on the application
on safety standards. Fuel Infrastructures directive in of shore side electricity, which
October 2014 that makes shore will highlight best practice in the
PEMA has highlighted the need side electricity mandatory (in application of these technologies.
for advanced safety systems to most cases) for European ports
be fitted to vehicles that provide by 2025. “PEMA continues to support
a high degree of diagnostic efforts of the global ports
coverage to detect people and While issues over common sector to improve operational
other vehicles. standards for shore side electricity efficiency – so the behemoths of
between Europe, the US and Asia the oceans enabling world trade
Automatic collision prevention had impacted implementation, are handled effectively– as well
devices, driver assistance systems, an international shore side as improving safety and reducing
automatic laser-based reach connection standard for larger environmental impact,” concludes
stacker assistance system and vessels, (ISO/IEC/IEEE 80005- Popesco. l
container weighing technologies
all support the safe and secure For more information on this material, please contact Rachael White, PEMA Secretary
handling of containers. General at: Tel +44 20 8279 9403 | You can learn more about
As well as improving safety and
security, these sorts of container-