Page 25 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2015 publication
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Autumn 2015 European Energy Innovation 25
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Against this backdrop, the major Measuring emissions at port LOGO black
container terminal operators level on an annual basis would
in the European Union have be misleading as it does not take terminal operators look to
created the EEEG Guidelines into consideration the amount of incorporate the EEEG guidelines
for greenhouse gas emissions movements within a terminal. into their internal energy plans.
footprint for container terminals.
The guidelines are a voluntary The methodology is utilised How can the EU help?
methodology which allows by dividing the total terminal
container terminals to calculate emissions by the total number of One of the major questions facing
their CO2 emissions on a containers entering and exiting European policy makers is how
periodical basis (for example; in a set period (for instance; can they assist in the reduction of
annually). The EEEG guidelines annually). This gives the total carbon emissions. The creation
are currently used by APM figure for a terminals total of the EEEG guidelines testifies
Terminals, Contship Italia, DP emissions per container handled to the proactive attitude that
World, ECT, Eurogate, HHLA, (kgCO2e/box). terminal operators have towards
Hutchison Port Holdings and carbon emissions reduction
PSA who collectively account for Benefits of EEEG Guidelines and their willingness to take
over 75% of container lifts in the action to monitor the emissions
European Union’s seaports. The EEEG Guidelines allow a resulting from their operations.
container terminal operator to All operators using the EEEG
HOW DOES THE EEEG compare their emissions on a Guidelines have noted this as
METHODOLOGY WORK? periodical basis at a meaningful being a useful tool in this regard.
The methodology is based on level, namely at container level.
two key components, namely the In a situation where there has Strong dialogue between the
total emissions of a terminal and been emission increases per EU institutions and industry
the total number of containers container, the operator can can ensure that there is not a
that have moved in and out of the identify the source of the increase duplication of work in this regard.
terminal. easily be examining different The promotion of industry led
fuel consumptions separately. methodologies, which have
The total emissions of a terminal A detailed, internal evaluation been tailor made for accuracy,
are established by multiplying of emissions allows operators will give operators the clearest
energy consumption (say 100 to focus on specific emissions picture of their emissions, and
litres of diesel fuel) by its EF problems and take meaningful will allow them to take the
(emissions factor). By doing this, actions to reduce emissions in the necessary steps to reduce their
a terminal can establish its total future. respective emissions. The EU can
emissions in line with the GHG assist operators by promoting
(Greenhouse Gas) Protocol. The Endorsement of the EEEG and supporting industry good
GHG protocol an internationally Guidelines by FEPORT* practices. l
accepted standard for carbon
footprint calculations. This During the FEPORT General * Since 1993, FEPORT represents the interests
methodology allows you to add Assembly meeting of June of large variety of terminal operators and
up emissions from individual 12th, 2015, European terminal stevedoring companies performing operations
activities and combine them for a operators officially endorsed and carrying out activities over 400 terminals in
total picture. the EEEG Guidelines as an the seaports of the European Union. FEPORT
agreed upon EU methodology speaks on behalf more than 1200 companies.
Using the total number of for calculating carbon emissions
containers that have moved within container terminals. Contact details:
in and out of a terminal is FEPORT is currently working
used as normalization factor on the expansion of the FEPORT Secretariat
to link the consumption to the methodology to cater for the Tel: 00 32 (2) 218 88 19
core activity of the operation. specific needs of other cargo Email:
types. FEPORT has strongly
recommended that all container
Autumn 2015 European Energy Innovation 25
LOGO gradient
Against this backdrop, the major Measuring emissions at port LOGO black
container terminal operators level on an annual basis would
in the European Union have be misleading as it does not take terminal operators look to
created the EEEG Guidelines into consideration the amount of incorporate the EEEG guidelines
for greenhouse gas emissions movements within a terminal. into their internal energy plans.
footprint for container terminals.
The guidelines are a voluntary The methodology is utilised How can the EU help?
methodology which allows by dividing the total terminal
container terminals to calculate emissions by the total number of One of the major questions facing
their CO2 emissions on a containers entering and exiting European policy makers is how
periodical basis (for example; in a set period (for instance; can they assist in the reduction of
annually). The EEEG guidelines annually). This gives the total carbon emissions. The creation
are currently used by APM figure for a terminals total of the EEEG guidelines testifies
Terminals, Contship Italia, DP emissions per container handled to the proactive attitude that
World, ECT, Eurogate, HHLA, (kgCO2e/box). terminal operators have towards
Hutchison Port Holdings and carbon emissions reduction
PSA who collectively account for Benefits of EEEG Guidelines and their willingness to take
over 75% of container lifts in the action to monitor the emissions
European Union’s seaports. The EEEG Guidelines allow a resulting from their operations.
container terminal operator to All operators using the EEEG
HOW DOES THE EEEG compare their emissions on a Guidelines have noted this as
METHODOLOGY WORK? periodical basis at a meaningful being a useful tool in this regard.
The methodology is based on level, namely at container level.
two key components, namely the In a situation where there has Strong dialogue between the
total emissions of a terminal and been emission increases per EU institutions and industry
the total number of containers container, the operator can can ensure that there is not a
that have moved in and out of the identify the source of the increase duplication of work in this regard.
terminal. easily be examining different The promotion of industry led
fuel consumptions separately. methodologies, which have
The total emissions of a terminal A detailed, internal evaluation been tailor made for accuracy,
are established by multiplying of emissions allows operators will give operators the clearest
energy consumption (say 100 to focus on specific emissions picture of their emissions, and
litres of diesel fuel) by its EF problems and take meaningful will allow them to take the
(emissions factor). By doing this, actions to reduce emissions in the necessary steps to reduce their
a terminal can establish its total future. respective emissions. The EU can
emissions in line with the GHG assist operators by promoting
(Greenhouse Gas) Protocol. The Endorsement of the EEEG and supporting industry good
GHG protocol an internationally Guidelines by FEPORT* practices. l
accepted standard for carbon
footprint calculations. This During the FEPORT General * Since 1993, FEPORT represents the interests
methodology allows you to add Assembly meeting of June of large variety of terminal operators and
up emissions from individual 12th, 2015, European terminal stevedoring companies performing operations
activities and combine them for a operators officially endorsed and carrying out activities over 400 terminals in
total picture. the EEEG Guidelines as an the seaports of the European Union. FEPORT
agreed upon EU methodology speaks on behalf more than 1200 companies.
Using the total number of for calculating carbon emissions
containers that have moved within container terminals. Contact details:
in and out of a terminal is FEPORT is currently working
used as normalization factor on the expansion of the FEPORT Secretariat
to link the consumption to the methodology to cater for the Tel: 00 32 (2) 218 88 19
core activity of the operation. specific needs of other cargo Email:
types. FEPORT has strongly
recommended that all container