Page 42 - European Energy Innovation magazine - autumn 2022 edition
P. 42

Summer 2022 European Energy Innovation
               42    COMMUNICATION

            Innovative financing for

            building renovations using


            By Filippos Anagnostopoulos, Mara Oprea and Ivana Rogulj from the Institute for European Energy
            and Climate Policy (IEECP), and Johan Coolen from Factor4

               n the context of REPowerEU    buildings as an energy resource and/  projects become ‘bankable’ through
               and the renewed Energy        or grid service. It examines how   aggregation due to (i) the de-risking
               Efficiency targets, it is important   aggregating individual renovation   of investments through guarantees of
             Ito acknowledge the role of     projects (financed through Energy   financial payback of EE measures for
            buildings, which currently account   Performance Contracting agreements)   investors or public subsidy providers
            for about 40% of Europe’s final   towards a portfolio of buildings   at the programme level and (ii) the
            energy consumption. This demand   can offer their cumulative demand   generation of income from providing
            can be significantly reduced by   reduction as a service to the grid.   benefits to the power system thereby
            implementing energy efficiency (EE)   This is based on the Pay-for-  improving the business case of
            measures coupled with renewables   Performance (P4P) approach, where   energy retrofits in buildings.
            such as PV panels in buildings and   indirect beneficiaries of renovation
            automation systems that respond to   measures (e.g. TSOs) distribute   The SENSEI project has therefore
            the needs of the power grid. Despite   payments to Aggregators of renovation   developed a model based on Pay-
            the multiple benefits related to these   projects, based on the measured   for-Performance (P4P) depicting
            measures, renovation rates remain   reductions or shifts of energy demand   how renovation projects can be
            low due to the difficulty of attracting   at the grid level. This measurement   aggregated to attract interest from
            investments.                     of energy savings happens with   financial institutions that wish to
                                             advanced Monitoring & Verification   invest in large scale projects. A P4P
            Benefits for the Power System    (M&V) algorithms of tools sometimes   programme could be found in many
            Operators                        referred to as M&V 2.0 such as   configurations, but in essence is a
            Large scale renovation programmes   CALTRACK, IPMVP, or EENSIGHT. The   multi-actor arrangement in which
            generate multiple benefits, including   use of M&V 2.0 creates numerous   financial compensation is rewarded
            avoided capacity increase costs   possibilities in the field including the   based on metered energy savings.
            for Power System Operators and   accurate monitoring of energy savings
            the achievement of energy and    from public renovation programmes,   Detailed explanation of the P4P
            carbon emission reduction goals for   the automated reporting of savings   programme and financing model
            public authorities. Power System   from Energy Efficiency Obligations,   proposed by the SENSEI project
            Operators and governments can    or the ability to set up contracts and   The basic European P4P model
            reap systemic benefits by further   financial products linked to achieved   suggested by the SENSEI project,
            supporting building renovations.   energy efficiency and flexibility   covers the main actors involved,
            The resulting policies and measures   services.                   including Aggregators, ESCOs,
            further increase the bankability and                              Economic Agents, the Public
            attractiveness of energy efficiency   Financing for renovation projects  Authority, the System Operator, the
            and flexibility investments for third   The opportunities offered by M&V   Fund and the Private Third Party
            party investors.                 2.0 and P4P programmes feature as   Investors. The configuration of actors
                                             a potential improvement of current   foresees Aggregators at the center
            Using Pay-for-Performance to     practices in the EU, where most   of the model, coordinating the
            capture system benefits          commercial energy retrofits are   realization of renovation projects,
            To help the market take advantage   financed through credit financing,   for which they receive an agreed
            of this approach for the purpose   leasing financing, project financing,   remuneration (e.g. EUR/kWh or EUR/
            of reducing building’s energy    cession and/or forfaiting on a   tCO ) from the Public Authority.
            consumption and securing the     project-by-project basis. Innovative
            stability of the power grid, the EU-  energy efficiency contracting and   The value flows as such: Aggregators
            funded SENSEI project explores   financing options such as P4P may   receive public funds (A) following
            how to reward energy efficiency in   find fertile soil as more EE finance   a competitive procurement and

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