Page 46 - European Energy Innovation magazine - autumn 2022 edition
P. 46

Autumn 2022 European Energy Innovation
              46     RENEWABLE ENERGY

            Using the European Parliament’s

            recent support of innovative

            renewables to transform the

            energy industry

            By Wolfram Sparber (pictured)

            Wolfram Sparber is the Vice President of EUREC, The Association of European Renewable Energy
            Research Centres, and the head of institute for renewable energy at Eurac Research (Bolzano-
            Italy) since its foundation in 2005. Since 2011 he has been involved as chairman of the executive
            board and later member of the advisory board of one of the leading renewable energy utilities in
            Italy (Alperia, formerly SEL). On the EU level Wolfram was Vice President of the ETIP-RHC from
            2011 to 2019 and has been a member of the Clean Energy Industrial Forum since 2021.

              ’m glad many renewable energy   •  setting a new indicative target   project carrying technology risk must
              associations joined EUREC in      for innovative renewables of   be overcome. Public guarantees from
              hailing the European Parliament’s   5% in each Member State of   Member States could underwrite
             ICommittee on Industry, Research   all renewable energy capacity   financing offers, accelerating and
            and Energy (ITRE) adoption of       installed between the entry   improving deals.
            vital amendments to support the     into force of the revision to the
            development of innovative           Directive and 2030;           Capital grants
            renewable energy technologies                                     Renewable energy technology is
            on 13 July.                      •  establishing the need for a target   generally “high-CAPEX low-OPEX” and
                                                for storage technologies and   capital grants have been identified
            In these pages a year ago, EUREC’s   suggesting another for demand-  as the best way to support some
            Secretary General presented a       side flexibility              technologies, e.g. solar thermal for
            proposal to correct the lack of                                   industry.
            attention to R&I in EU energy policy.   •  clearing the path for National
            Skyrocketing energy prices in wake   Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)   Revenue support
            of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,    to be the vehicle for Member   Countries could specify tenders
            rising costs of living and record heat   States to set out the policies to   specifically for the innovative
            extremes have since made action all   deliver innovative renewables;  renewables technologies supporting a
            the more urgent.                                                  national strategy.
                                             Operationalising ITRE’s “innovative
            We need bold approaches to scale   renewables” amendments         R&D support
            up next-generation renewable     How, concretely, could this indicative   R&I support can indirectly lead to
            technologies, bring them to market   target be made to help industry? It   tomorrow’s benchmark-setting
            quickly and reap the economic    would need to push Member States   technology. However, as “5% by
            benefits that can come from      to create new measures that ensure   2030” implies 10s of GW across the
            renewables businesses thriving from   they reach it.              EU, “innovative renewable energy
            the installation and manufacture of                               technologies” will on average have to
            technology.                      Measures to support innovative   survive on aid intensities far less than
                                             renewables                       typical R&D projects.
            The ITRE Committee’s vote        Favourable financing
            ITRE pushed the energy innovation   The hesitant attitude of financial   Regulatory support
            agenda forward by:               institutions when presented with a   Cleantech for Europe has sought

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