Page 48 - European Energy Innovation magazine - autumn 2022 edition
P. 48

Autumn 2022 European Energy Innovation
              48     RENEWABLE ENERGY

              The SET Plan (Strategic Energy   of particular relevance to them in   Conclusion
            Technology Plan) is a framework   the strategically important field of   The new 5% target for innovative
            in which energy sectors cooperate   renewable energy. At worst, they can   renewables will translate into direct
            with each other and with         help a company developing novel   policy support for the manufacturing
            Member States to define priority   technology in other EU country grow   of high-performance technologies and
            technologies to develop in given   by installing on their land to access   provide new opportunities for research
            timeframes, with the European    the wind, solar, hydro, geothermal   centres to help companies with
            Commission facilitating the      or bioenergy resources they have   innovative product development.
            discussion in working groups of   available.
            experts.                                                          It will furthermore allow these
                                             The EU should be helpful and proactive   companies to scale up innovative
            Box 2: The SET Plan is due to be   to ensure that the path to reaching   technologies to make them market-
            updated this year with new tasks   the 5% target is smooth. This can be   ready and ensure Europe remains
            or with a potential new structure
            in 2023.                         accomplished by providing Member   at the frontier of renewable energy
                                             States with the process to identify   innovation. Innovative technologies
                                             innovative technologies (through   to guarantee energy security are
                                             the NECPs and SET Plan) as well as   available in Europe but require an
            Everyone contributes             the instruments to reach the target   extra boost to clear risk hurdles.
            An important feature of ITRE’s   through funding programmes including   ITRE’s amendments must find their
            amendment is that the indicative   Horizon Europe, the Innovation Fund   way into the final legislation and
            target of 5% is one that all countries   and the Clean Energy Transition   be followed up with a mechanism
            individually must try to reach. I’m   Partnership and possibly in the latter   to keep deployment support for
            sure every country large or small can   part of the decade the Renewable   innovative technologies squarely in
            find some innovative technologies   Energy Financing Mechanism.   the sights of Member States. l

            EUREC has extensive experience in the management
            of European co-funded projects, as well as in
            communication, dissemination and training activities:
            EUREC is the voice of renewable energy research in
            Europe, representing European Research Centres active
            in renewable energy.
            EUREC promotes and supports the development of
            innovative technologies and human resources to enable
            a prompt transition to a sustainable energy system.

            EUREC has two Masters programmes, run by a network
            of eight European Universities and research centres
            who are leading the way in renewable energy research,
            development and demonstration.

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