Page 53 - European Energy Innovation magazine - autumn 2022 edition
P. 53

Autumn 2022 European Energy Innovation
                                                                               ENERGY TRANSITION       53

   Breaking down silos to unlock the energy transition

 By Dr Vicky Stratigaki of Ghent University in Belgium; Professor João Murta Pina, from NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal and Mr Carlo Battisti, Living Future Europe, Italy

            temperature of (cheap and abundant) liquid nitrogen.

            These properties enable the development of technologies
            and devices that are more efficient with smaller footprints
            and reduced weight and/or offer unique and potentially
            disruptive solutions.

            These can be integrated into all aspects of the electric
            power systems – from generation to transmission and
            distribution, energy storage and end-use – to improve
            their safety, security, reliability, and sustainability and to
            accelerate decarbonization efforts.
                                                                Mr Carlo Battisti
            However, despite all the potential benefits and successful   “With so many partners from different disciplines and
            demonstrators of numerous HTS technologies, they    cultures our first challenge was to find a common
            still lack mass penetration in the power system. This   language for sustainability,” says Carlo Battisti. “And
            COST Action aims at developing systematic approaches   we took a holistic approach: not just achieving carbon
            to create pathways between materials research and   neutrality, but also covering issues such as loss of
            real-world devices and foster improved modelling and   biodiversity too. We looked to provide a paradigm shift
            advanced computation paradigms.  Methodologies and   to deliver built environments that are environmentally
            demonstrators will be provided to address industrial   positive across multiple indicators.” The knowledge
            challenges and applications, as well as tools for the   gained in RESTORE is being continued through the
            economic and sustainability assessment of HTS       activities of the Living Future Europe association and the
            technologies.                                       Action’s members.
                                                                “The Action has helped close the gap between research
            RESEARCH AND ACADEMIA FOR SUSTAINABLE BUILT         and the practitioners on the ground. There is now a
            ENVIRONMENT                                         huge network of professionals that can take advantage
            COST Action networks also provide a safe and fruitful   of the results.” says Mr Carlo Battisti.
            space where Academia and Industry can meet to work
            together and successfully address the range of challenges   “The academic side has better understanding of the
            facing our society. In particular Small or Medium Sized   relevance of their research to the market, while the
            Enterprises (SMEs) have the capacity to deliver innovative   commercial side has better understanding of the
            results by themselves and research organisations get   technologies that are available and the current research
            the chance to fully test their results in ‘real world’   that may become commercially relevant,” he concludes.
            applications. COST Action ‘REthinking Sustainability
            TOwards a Regenerative Economy’ (RESTORE), which
            ended in 2021, was ahead of the field with 28 SMEs
            involved. RESTORE strived to cover all sustainability
            aspects of the built environment including environmental,
            economic, and social angles.
            “It is one of the first COST Action to research sustainability
            in the built environment,” claims Action Chair Carlo
            Battisti.” And the first Action to engage with a process   View the Action websites
            to offset its CO  emissions, reducing and completely
                        2                                       COST Action: A pan-European Network for Marine
            offsetting them in the end. l
                                                                Renewable Energy
                                                                COST Action: High-Temperature SuperConductivity for
            (*) A round robin test is an interlaboratory test (measurement, analysis, or
            experiment) performed independently several times.  AcceLerating the Energy Transition.
                                                                  COST Action: REthinking Sustainability TOwards a
                                                                Regenerative Economy

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