Page 54 - European Energy Innovation magazine - autumn 2022 edition
P. 54
Autumn 2022 European Energy Innovation
CO Capture and Utilization
(CCU) Matters used as feedstock in the production
of CO -based products, alongside the
application of zero-carbon energy to
Positioning in the Sustainable Transition Landscape fulfill the process’ electricity need.
In a next step, they are replacing a
even years ago, the would simply consist of the ‘MWh fossil-based product in one or more
Intergovernmental Panel of renewable electricity’ or ‘the use cases:
for Climate Change (IPCC) EURO’s’ invested in a strategy, in
Sproposed a pathway for the order to reduce the yearly emission 1. CO -to-fuel route: To deliver an
global reduction of CO emissions, by given ton of CO . In addition, equal amount of energy 2.25 ton
2 2
to limit the expected temperature the anticipated potential for CO CO -based methanol can replace 1
2 2
increase to an anomaly of 2, ideally reduction, related to the market size ton diesel or 1.07 ton bunker fuel in
1.5°C, by the end of this century. of given CO -based fuel, chemical or the marine fuel combustion.
The CO emissions originate from other products, should be included
the burning of fossil fuel, industry in the screening. Last but not 2. CO -to-chemicals: the production
and land-use and should be rapidly least, the corresponding renewable of 1 ton grey methanol is replaced
reduced (>350 Mton CO /year), while electricity required to supply such a by 1 ton CO -based methanol in
2 2
‘negative’ CO emissions are gradually market could even become the most the chemical industry.
introduced, starting from 2030. important criterium.
This last strategy consists of the 3. CO -to-building material: the
capture of CO from the air and its However, the former criteria may production is based on the
permanent storage under the ground not suffice and other factors should spontaneous reaction of stainless
or in materials, for which an ‘eternal’ be taken into consideration in such steel slags or other alkaline
lifetime can be assumed. a decision-making framework: (waste) material with the CO
the application’s ‘readiness level’, gas, forming an alternative for
Which CO reduction strategies with regards to the technology the classical cement binder. This
exist? The International Energy development, its deployment in implies a permanent CO fixation.
Agency (IEA) investigated possible the market, compatibility with The resulting product replaces
strategies, e.g. the more efficient the existing energy and industrial concrete-based building materials,
use of fossil-based feedstocks and system, amongst others. Also, which are based on cement. The
fuels in our industry and energy possible local synergies between process of cement production
sector, which represents the ‘low- stakeholders, legislative frameworks emits significant quantities of CO .
hanging fruit’. They described their to close possible financial gaps
contribution in the CO reduction in the business case, availability The following conclusions can be
pathway towards a net-zero CO of infrastructure, geography for drawn from resp. Figure 1 and 2:
emission in 2070 . In parallel, the IEA deployment should not be overseen.
elaborated a more stringent roadmap, To conclude such screening, the 1. In the marine fuel and chemical
to achieve a net-zero emission by strategies should be ranked not only use cases, the replacement by
2050. Important examples of such within, but also between different CO -based methanol results in
strategies are electrification, green sectors, such as energy production, a factor 15 higher CO reduction
hydrogen production, the use of buildings, mobility and industry. potential than in the building
renewable feedstocks and CCUS (incl. As internationally active research material case. However, the
storage of captured CO ). Together, institute, the Flemish Institute production of methanol requires
they lead to a cumulative yearly for Technological Research (VITO) large amounts of electricity.
reduction of CO emissions by 35 Gt combines its competences to tackle Conversely, the corresponding
in 2070. these cross-border, cross-sector and CO reduction potential per unit
cross-vector challenges, within the of renewable electricity, applied in
On which CO2 reduction strategy field of CCU. the CO -to-methanol conversion
should we focus? Part of the process, is significantly lower.
proposed sustainable strategies rely How to evaluate value chains, that
on the use of renewable electricity. If rely on CO feedstock, in practice? 2. The total replacement of European
we take into account a local scarcity Three CCU-based value chains were marine fuel results in a CO
of renewable electricity today and assessed by VITO. They all start from reduction potential in the range of
in the future, strategies should be the capture of fossil-based, post- 100 Mton CO /year. This is a factor 15
prioritized. A first fair set of criteria combustion CO from chimneys. It is higher than in the smaller chemical