Page 55 - European Energy Innovation magazine - autumn 2022 edition
P. 55

Autumn 2022 European Energy Innovation
                                                                                  COMMUNICATION        55

               use case, related to the European
               methanol production capacity. The   Figure 1: Illustration of ton CO  avoided per ton product replaced in given
               building material use case also    use case (blue bars) and corresponding ton CO  avoided per MWh renewable
               shows a significant potential, based   electricity in the production of the renewable alternative  3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
               on the availability of alkaline waste
               material in Europe. As a yearly
               renewable energy production of
               3400 TWh is anticipated in Europe
               by 2050 , the European marine
               fuel use case becomes restricted
               by its yearly renewable electricity
               need of 1000 TWh.
            It is clear that no unambiguous
            selection of a viable scenario can be
            made in this exercise, focusing on
            only the CO  reduction potential and
            one use case, in extremis. A balanced
            combination of different CCU
            strategies is preferable. It starts from
            the current and future availabilities
            of renewable electricity as conditio
            sine qua non, with deployments        Figure 2: Illustration of the European CO  avoidance potential (Mt/y) and
            spread over time. The production      corresponding renewable electricity use (TWh)  9, 10, 11, 12
            of CO -based fuels with electrified
            systems can support the renewable
            energy transition in an energy
            storage strategy. The production
            of CO -based building materials is
            a feasible short-term pathway, if
            proper supply chains for alkaline
            waste feedstock can be guaranteed.
            In the meantime, opportunities arise
            in the field of energy import, which
            influences the boundary conditions
            for CCU: Renewable electricity can
            be produced in an economic feasible
            way, at far locations in the world,
            where solar and wind energy are
            abundant. In such scenarios, CCU not
            only serves as a storage strategy for   Indeed, the role of methanol as fuel   CCU within the Sustainable Transition
            the low-carbon and low-cost energy,   or platform chemical could then be   Landscape not only rests on many,
            but also facilitates its transport   extended to an ‘easy-to-transport’   different pillars, but also on global
            towards Europe, in the form of   liquid energy carrier. Therefore, VITO   trends and the dynamic nature of its
            molecules with a high energy density.   concludes that the positioning of   boundary conditions. l

            1) Anderson, K.; Peters, G., Science 354 (6309), 2016, 182–183.
            3) CRI process with 75% H  prod. efficiency: 11.8 MWh/t MeOH and 1.38 t CO /t methanol [see (5)], incl. capture: heat use = 1178 MWh/t CO  → 0.44 t/t methanol
            @ 0.27 t CO /MWh, elec. use = 196 kWh/t CO , DSP = 0.33 t CO2/t methanol
            4) Dechema Technology study (2017): Low carbon energy and feedstock for the European chemical industry
            5( per t Carbstone: 480 kg SSS, 480 kg sand, 107 kg water, 92 kg CO , drying 63 kWh heat, mixing electricity 27 kWh, curing electricity 2 kWh , footprint
            extracted from LNE study see below
            6), from CO2 emission factor list
            7) -and-sulphur-emissions-from-the-shipping-industry.pdf,
            8) LNE study (2016): Onderzoek naar mogelijk ondersteuningsbeleid m.b.t. nieuwe toepassingsmogelijkheden van CO2 als grondstof
            10) , 2019 data.
            11) , total slag utilization 34.1 Mt in 2019
            12) , extrapolation of 43.5% steel slag contribution
            on global level to European market of alkaline waste materials (fly ash, cement waste, …) and taking into account a similar stoichiometry of alkaline waste/CO   2
            in building material, as for the Carbstone building material
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