Page 23 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
P. 23
Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation 23
builds and retrofit options for the
existing fleet are evaluated and their
impact on the ship is noted. Emissions
reduction, performance impacts,
weight, cost and size, along with
knock-on effects such as reduced cargo
capacity are accounted for.
Theme 2 investigates the plausible Figure 2: SCC consortium
future developments of international
trade and resource availability to
produce a suite of global scenarios
for shipping. In doing so assesses
the direct and indirect impacts of
climate change on shipping. The
framing of particular decarbonisation
pathways will inform how future
energy commodities might be
traded in scenarios exploring future
sea trade. Regarding non-energy
commodities, a workshop discussed
how socioeconomic indicators (such
as those contained within the shared
socioeconomic pathways) and
projections might be used to establish
future trade patterns. The findings
suggest that a wide range of scenarios
for trade and patterns of trade can be
envisioned, all interacting closely with
the evolution of the supply of transport
(ships and shipping).
Theme 3 develops tools and deploys Figure 3: Cross-cutting themes in Shipping in Changing Climates project
them in combination with the work on
supply side energy efficiency (Theme in the current market and in order dependable operational improvements
1) and demand side drivers for the to understand current levels of and eventually weaning off from fossil
analysis of the different pathways implementation of energy efficiency fuels. l
(Theme 2) and how transitions can be measures a survey was conducted
accelerated. The findings feed into to which 270 shipping companies Contact details:
a holistic system model (GloTraM), responded. The survey sheds light Dr Nishatabbas Rehmatulla
which has been in development and on the type of measures being Research Associate
refinement by the consortium since implemented at the ship and UCL Energy Institute
2010. GloTraM (Global Transport company level. The survey shows University College London
Model) is a socio-techno-economic that in general the uptake of energy Central House
model which starts with a definition efficiency technologies is low and the 14 Upper Woburn Place
of the global shipping system in a technologies that have higher uptake London WC1H 0NN
baseline year (2010) and then evolves have small energy efficiency gains at
the fleet and its activity in response to the ship level and therefore not enough Tel: +44 (0)203 108 5965
external stimuli (changing fuel prices, to lead towards decarbonisation in Mobile: +44 (0)7540 051942
transport demand, regulation and the face of rising shipping demand. Email:
technology availability). The model Thus, decarbonising the shipping
is underpinned by rigorous analysis sector would have to be sought from
of the existing fleet, along with the step change technologies as well as
economics of technology investment
and operation in the shipping industry.
The modelling is informed by
qualitative research into behaviour