Page 27 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
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Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation 27
Winston Churchill, as First Lord of the its importance is about to increase previously untapped reserves. From
Admiralty was the first to press for such considerably around the globe. the improvements in liquefaction and
a change, and after the British had regasification, to the vast new shale gas
switched to oil, other nations followed The supremacy of oil started when it production, the natural gas market has
suit. With major developments in its gained a truly global market. I would seen many fundamental changes, both
exploitation and refining, oil could offer call a market truly global, when one incremental and transformational ones.
enhanced manoeuvrability and smaller can buy a standard amount in a fairly These changes have revived industries
scale application, which provided a standard quality for a somewhat and altered geopolitics, and those
competitive edge in naval warfare. This uniform price all over the globe. You who adapted to them usually gained
marked the beginning of the age of can buy a barrel of Brent quality crude momentum.
oil, as its use became predominant in in Singapore and in Rio de Janeiro
transport and heating. Eventually it has for about the same price at a given I believe that, due to the rapid
replaced coal as the primary global moment. Natural gas markets cannot developments, gas markets will change
energy source. perform like that because of the costs fundamentally in the coming five to
of transport (both for pipeline and LNG) ten years, and I do not see the pace
What we are experiencing nowadays and the lack of liquidity. Inadequate of the changes slowing down. Take
is very similar to that shift. Natural gas demand, combined with high fixed for example Floating LNG (FLNG).
is harder both to exploit and transport costs halted the development of natural The first operating floating facility,
than oil, but it has some features – gas markets, when suppliers tended stationed in Malaysia, received first
particularly its cleanness and efficiency to be monopolistic and long term gas in last November, and is about to
– which make it a superior source of contracted. With increasing demand launch its first cargo in early March
energy. Substitution is not possible in and decreasing transport costs, the 2017, a historical moment. With such a
every application, for example it cannot competition has intensified and the novel technology, there are bound to
be used as a feedstock in all cases, but markets have become more liquid. arise new challenges and unexpected
the technological changes foretell a We can already see the contract time difficulties, but further innovation will
shift from coal and oil to natural gas. The horizons shrinking, while the terms surely tackle them, expanding natural
prediction of the International Energy of the contract become increasingly gas production to previously
Agency about the coming golden age loose. With the LNG projects under untapped reservoirs.
of gas could have been premature, but way, which are to be realized in the next
it is clear that the role of natural gas will 2-3 years, we will see not just a boom As we have seen, the evolution of
grow in the next decades. in LNG trade, but also a massive and fossil fuels has accelerated, changing
unprecedented integration of the status quo on the energy market.
When contemplating the evolution the markets. Technological and consumption
of fossil fuels, we cannot overlook changes have paved the way for
the common fate that will come to This rapid development and integration a radical shift in business models.
most species eventually: extinction. of markets is essentially due to Although oil and coal are to stay
Natural gas might be the cleanest, but innovation. In the last decades we with us for many years, they will not
it still creates harmful emissions. Mass could see innovation reducing costs all significantly question the primacy of the
scale electrification and the spread of over the supply chain, while unlocking new champion: natural gas. l
renewable energy challenge the rule of
fossil fuels, but in my opinion, the end András Gyürk
is not yet close. Not every application • Born in 1972, graduated in history in Budapest
can be electrified and the intermittence • 1998 – 2004 member of the Hungarian Parliament
of renewable power sources requires a • 2004 – member of the European Parliament (Committee on Industry, Research
flexible backup, which is most efficiently
provided by natural gas. In the coming and Energy, EPP)
decades, both its overall demand • 2010 – head of the Hungarian EPP delegation
and its share in the global primary • Shadow rapporteur on the Energy Union Package – A Framework Strategy
energy consumption are expected to • Rapporteur on the EU Strategy for LNG and Gas Storage
grow. It seems that natural gas will not
become extinct soon, on the contrary,