Page 29 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 29
Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation 29
participants said that they would not number of storage support schemes, the Italian installers with the offered
recommend the subsidy program. for instance like the program in the programs. In total the satisfaction
When asked for the reason, most of region of Lombardy. The administrative rating with the programs only reached
the installers said that the fact, that region in Northwest Italy launched a € 3.15, however, a higher share of
storage users have to feed in 50% of 4 million incentive program for solar installers rated the schemes favorable
the generated energy into the grid, storage. The program provide rebates as compared to their German counter
was not beneficial for the use of a that cover up to 50% of the cost for parts. Around 30% of the surveyed
storage system. Furthermore, they purchasing and installing a storage Italian installers are satisfied with the
describe the application form as too system coupled with a PV system. Only available energy storage support
complicated (all in all nine steps are storage projects combined with PV programs.
necessary to receive the funding). installations with a capacity of up to 20
kW are entitled to have access to the These insights into two of the leading
Amongst the other mentioned program. sales markets for residential storage
reasons, German installers today solutions in Europe shows that
largely believe that the storage The feedback from the installers support schemes can, depending on
subsidy program is not profitable surveyed in Italy was nearly the market developments, be assessed
for their customers. And the fact that complete opposite as compared to both positively and even negatively
customers need to take out a loan the German installers. 92 percent of amongst the important target group
from the KfW in order to benefit from the survey participants answered that of installers. Whereas a market can
the support scheme (even if they have they recommend the regional support benefit from any kind of stimulation
the necessary money) is deemed as schemes to their customers. Only 4% caused by a support scheme in the
a further barrier, as this means that would not recommend any programs, early stages, the number of sceptics
despite having the necessary assets, whereas the rest is unaware of any may increase in established markets.
home-owners would have to pay the subsidy schemes or has no programs Subsidies generally have a positive
repayment instalments over a period available to recommend. impact for any kind of market entry;
of possibly 10 years. however, it needs to be ensured
A further sign that the regional support that self-supporting structures are
It is therefore not surprising that, when schemes in Italy offer a possible established in order to prepare for the
asked how satisfied the installers incentive for energy storage is the phase once the support scheme has
are with the KfW on a scale from 1 comparably higher satisfaction of expired. l
(very satisfied) to 5 (not satisfied at
all), only three per cent of the survey About EuPD Research Sustainable Management GmbH:
participants answer that they were
very satisfied. More than 50% of the EuPD Research Sustainable Management GmbH is an international service
installers rated their satisfaction with provider focusing on B2B market research with a highly specialized
the subsidy scheme with either a 4 or, multilingual interview center. We provide our clients in Europe, Asia and the
even worse, a 5. In total the satisfaction US with the entire range of qualitative and quantitative research services.
received an average rating of 3.64. With the help of in-depth market knowledge combined with methodological
professionalism, we provide practical, future-oriented business solutions and
The picture in Italy is significantly ensure that our clients receive a return on their research investment. Our
different. As there is no federal subsidy continuous research has enabled us to develop particular skills in the field of
program like in Germany, Italian renewable energy sources, particularly in the field of solar energy.
installers may offer their customers a