Page 33 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 33

Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation    33

                                                      FINLAND ENERGY

of production will become more           more extensive sites will be off-shore    as decentralized energy production,
widespread.                              wind farms, where wave energy             storage and consumption.
                                         production may benefit from shared
Flexibility of demand will change        network connections.                      The flexible energy system of the
the role of the consumer. An active                                                future, in which the consumer plays
consumer will simultaneously             Finland is one of the most energy         an essential and significant role,
consume, produce and store energy.       intensive per capita countries in the     will also create a need for different
Digitalization and the Industrial        word. Improving energy efficiency is a    security technologies. The importance
Internet will help improve the           very cost-effective way of reducing CO2   of cybersecurity will be highlighted,
efficiency of energy use everywhere.     emissions. We have a lot of experience    bringing new business opportunities.
Energy efficiency is a cost-effective    and know-how for efficient industrial
way of reducing greenhouse gas           processes and buildings as well as        The greatest growth is expected in
emissions, and the circular economy      improving energy efficiency at the        the fields of wind power, solar energy,
mentality will further increase the      system level. In the future, the energy   biomass boilers and small-scale CHP
efficiency of resources use.             system of an intelligent home can be      technology. In these, Finland's areas of
                                         used by the market driven consumer        strength are wind power components,
OUTLOOK FOR TECHNOLOGY                   to control the electric devices, energy   biofuels and biotechnologies as well
DEVELOPMENT                              production and storage, and electricity   as gas-fueled engines and power
The markets are increasingly showing     trade of the household.                   plants. Potential export sectors
interest in solutions that reduce the                                              also include turbine generators for
use of non-renewable and fossil raw      Intelligent transport will also increase  small-scale and mini hydroelectricity
materials. Solutions are sought in       service business, and the MaaS            installations and technological and
bioeconomy and new, biomass-based        (Mobility as a Service) model will        system expertise in solar energy and
products and services. Bioeconomy        promote more efficient energy use.        fuels cells.
comprises a lot more than just           Intelligent transport is now looking to
bioenergy and biofuels. Wood-based       the new Transport Code that strives to    To reach Finland’s ambitious energy
fibre can be processed into high-value   renew and develop the entire transport    and climate targets and long-term
chemicals, for example for the needs     sector as digitalization advances.        goal to become carbon neutral society
of the pharmaceutical and chemical                                                 needs also investments in research,
industries. Nutrient cycling is another  BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES                    development and innovations.
example of the business opportunities    AND STRONG PUBLIC-PRIVATE
offered by the bioeconomy.               PARTNERSHIPS                              Innovation Funding Agency Business
                                         Finland’s success is based on             Finland started last year a Smart Energy
It is estimated that the share of        strong public-private partnerships,       Innovation Program which target is to
sustainable bioenergy will be about      world-class technical expertise and       create new global business for Finnish
one half of all renewable energy         innovations. We are very pleased to       companies, investments in Finland,
supply in 2030. Carbon-neutral           promote and implement Clean Energy        create top research in energy sector
transport will initially be achieved     Solutions together with other partners.   and support Finland to achieve its’
by using the potential of all carbon     And we really need cooperation and        international targets. The Smart Energy
neutral sources, including biofuels.     help from our partners even in Finland.   Program aims to build different kind of
When investing in EVs and Hydrogen,                                                test platforms to promote these targets.
also promoting the deployment of         Power electronics represents top
biofuels in heavy goods vehicles will    expertise from Finland. Distribution      Pilot platforms have a crucial role in
be important. Sustainability will be     networks will feature power electronics   bringing different actors together,
a key factor, and international trade    and intelligent properties. Finland       networking them for new kind of
will grow. The raw material base of      could also offer expertise for turnkey    co-operations and boosting joint
bioenergy will expand and increasingly   system deliveries, but a large            competences. Platforms link research
rely on wastes, which will also          operator would be required to ensure      actors, big companies and SMEs in
encourage biogas use.                    competitiveness in the global market.     dynamic and flexible manners. As
                                                                                   a term, platform can have multiple
Wave energy is an example of a           Virtualization, on the other hand,        meaning ranging from dedicated
field where Finnish technology and       is associated with technology that        pilot setups to wide co-operation
companies are on the global leading      enables the simulation of reality. In     environments. Commonly, platforms
edge without a domestic market.          the flexible energy system of the         apply open principles for instance
Wave energy is expected to be            future, virtual power plants may have     for sharing data, co-innovating and
commercialised after 2020. The first     a key role in controlling such aspects    memberships. l
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