Page 64 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 64

64  Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation


5G – the new era for mobile

By Nina Kajander, JRC Press Officer

About every 10 years, the                  Commission’s Joint Research            the physical and the virtual worlds
               technology that connects    Centre (JRC) are busy studying new     into a new smart environment, which
               your mobile phone to the    5G frequency bands in Europe,          senses, analyses and adapts, and
               network changes. 5G is the  prototyping waveforms and testing      which can make our lives easier and
5th generation mobile network, a step      5G enabling technologies which will    safer.
up from the 4G technology currently        pave the way for a whole new world of
in use. The 5G network will be faster      digital communications and services.   “This is not only about browsing
and more reliable. It will have more                                              the Internet. The 5G technologies
capacity to cope with high demand –        BRINGING THE INTERNET OF               inaugurate a whole new era of
for instance in crowded places such as     THINGS TO LIFE                         connectivity and intelligence in which
concerts and stadiums, where many          The 5G technology will enable the      products, services and people can
users want to use the network at the       industry to take a leap forward in     connect. In the Internet of Things, any
same time – and allow data to be           the provision of services based on     physical or virtual object can connect
streamed much faster.                      machine-to-machine communication.      to other objects, and people can
                                           It will allow an enormous amount       interact with them”, said JRC Spectrum
This is good news for all those who        of devices to be connected to the      Expert James Bishop.
are frustrated with slow Internet          network to exchange data.
connections, but there is much more                                               The Internet of Things (IoT) will
to 5G than faster wireless networks.       This is predominantly driven by the    force business transformation and
Researchers at the European                Internet of Things: a combination of   bring fundamental changes to our
                                                                                  perspectives on how technologies
                                                                                  and applications work in the world.
                                                                                  Currently, less than 1% of objects are
                                                                                  connected to the Internet, but the
                                                                                  number of IoT connections within
                                                                                  the EU is estimated to increase from
                                                                                  approximately 1.8 million in 2013 to
                                                                                  almost 6 billion in 2020, leading to the
                                                                                  EU IoT market being worth over one
                                                                                  trillion euros by 2020.

                                                                                  DIGITISING THE ENERGY SECTOR
                                                                                  The Internet of Things and 5G also
                                                                                  represent a new reality for the energy
                                                                                  sector. They facilitate the development
                                                                                  and implementation of smart grids
                                                                                  – intelligent energy networks that
                                                                                  combine smart appliances and energy
                                                                                  efficient resources with intelligent
                                                                                  computing systems to optimise
                                                                                  energy production and reduce energy

                                                                                  New internet-connected devices
                                                                                  such as smart meters and end-to-

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