Page 65 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 65

Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation  65

                                                                                  5G COMMUNICATIONS

end solutions that optimise energy        Photo: tanaonte – Adobe
production can be used for smart
energy monitoring and for the
creation of new services that integrate
renewable energy sources and allow
better management of available

The rise of IoT platforms leads to        and it has to rely on a communication   the other side of the room via an ad
new data-driven business models           system which is flawless”, Bishop       hoc 5G wireless connection. Spectrum
that allow building comprehensive         explains.                               monitors track various parameters
solutions across multiple services                                                linked to the quality of the transmitted
ranging from home comfort, heating        To understand the implications          data.
and automation, car charging and          on future policies, the European
smart appliances. The user will benefit   Commission is studying various          “Before we were able to start testing
from enhanced customer services and       aspects linked to autonomous driving,   the behaviour of 5G connections,
flexible energy prices and will assume    from cybersecurity to interoperability  we had to create the conditions that
an active role in the energy market.      aspects. Cybersecurity – secure         are identical to a 5G network, so we
                                          exchange of data via wireless networks  created this testbed which imitates a
The 5G technology will improve the        – is one of the key aspects to be       wireless 5G network. It allows us to
connectivity of smart grids through       guaranteed before any large scale 5G    run different kinds of experiments
easy transfer of high volumes of data     implementation is initiated.            and to test, for instance, the impact
and reliable communication with low                                               of available bandwidth to the quality
latency.                                  TESTING, TESTING…                       of the transmitted data”, said Jaime
                                          Scientists at the JRC consider          Ferragut, JRC expert on wireless
FROM REMOTE SURGERIES TO                  technology readiness to be one of the   communications.
AUTOMATED DRIVING                         key enabling aspects – but also one of
The 5G technology will enable the         the biggest challenges – for moving     The scientists are also looking at
industry to accelerate intelligent        the 5G mobile networks “from hype       spectrum efficiency and spectrum
automation – sometimes referred           to ripe”. And in order to be able to    sharing techniques, which would
to as Industry 4.0 – through  smart       demonstrate the readiness of these      allow different players to share the
production processes based on             technologies, more testing, research    available spectrum and bandwidth of
robots, sensors and machine-to-           and 5G pilots are still needed.         5G networks. Spectrum availability has
machine communication.                                                            a central role in the EU’s 5G strategy.
                                          In the Ispra-based radio spectrum       Sharing spectrum among various users
5G is also expected to give rise to new   laboratory, researchers have created    will not only allow the finite spectrum
dynamic processes that rely on an         experiments which simulate 5G           bands to be used more efficiently,
ultra-reliable communication network      signals to analyse options for the      but it can also create business
that is optimised to process a high       optimisation of bandwidth, the          opportunities for smaller telecom
volume of data with a minimal delay.      coexistence of different types of       businesses that cannot afford massive
Automated driving and remote surgery      wireless networks and interferences     investments in spectrum licences, thus
are examples of such processes. They      to the network caused by various        leading to more competitiveness and
rely on time critical operations and      disturbances.                           better telecom services for users.
ultra-reliable machine communication
that can process fast critical requests.  In the anechoic chamber of the          LOOKING AHEAD
                                          spectrum lab, a device transmits a      As the race to 5G is accelerating
“In order for self-driving cars, for      video to a computer screen sitting on   worldwide, the Commission’s
instance, to be a reliable transport
option in the future, the car needs
to respond very quickly to various
situations on the road. It needs to
detect pedestrians and other cars
immediately, and there can be no
margin of error. The computer system
managing the driving cannot crash
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