Page 62 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 62

62  Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation


prepared for US market by a trail roll   By that the challenge is not only        An interview with
out in California together with the San  technical. It’s more a challenge to      Cedrik Neike,
Carlos based company Electric Motor      turn current organization culture        Member of the
Werks.                                   towards innovation for service oriented  Managing Board of
                                         business.                                Siemens AG
DATA MARKETPLACES                        RWE with their innovation incubator      Q  World economic forum
Transactions in the blockchain are       Innogy and Siemens are currently            predicts 2025 that 10% of
usually stored in a transaction book     pushing towards such new culture and
called “distributed ledger”. Adding a    business models. Both have identified    world GDP will be processed
new record to this ledger is secured     blockchain as promising technology.
by complex algorithms calculation        Siemens Board Member Cedrik Neike        over blockchain. How is Siemens
to confirm a transaction. On most        claims blockchain to be one of the
common blockchain solutions as           14 core enterprise technologies. This    Energy preparing toward such
Bitcoin and Etherium this process is     is a strong strategic commitment of
done by miners. As written in the first  a traditional and powerful enterprise    scenario?
part of this article the mining process  in energy and utility sector. But
itself is heavily power consuming.       beside the new opportunities for         Blockchain is one of the 14
                                         traditional enterprises the blockchain   company core technologies,
The developers of the IOTA have          creates a vibrant and powerful start     Siemens is focusing on. We are
created a distributed ledger algorithm   up ecosystem with hundreds of new        already gaining a lot of experience
called “tangle”, with no need of mining  market players.                          with the use of Blockchain in
and zero transaction fees. Several                                                particular in the energy field.
projects in energy and utility sector    A significant amount of them is well     Late in 2016, we announced
are running on IOTA technology. In the   financed by new instruments of Initial   the collaboration with the US
applications range from smart micro      Coin Offerings, selling own Crypto       startup LO3 Energy on Blockchain
grid management of households in         Currencies to investors filling their    microgrids.
the Dutch city of Groningen towards      war chest. So the Australian Startup
data management of electro vehicle       PowerLedger targets the smart Power      LO3 Energy realized a microgrid
charging networks. This year January     Grid market and has raised over          project in Brooklyn mainly enabling
the US smart mobility testbed            $34 Million by offering tokens to        peer to peer energy trading
company International Transportation     investors. This capitalization allows    among small prosumers. It is now
Innovation Center (ITIC) announced       them to develop and expand new           being further developed with the
a partnership to use IOTA's data         business models with high speed          aid of Siemens Digital Grid in the
market platform in helping technology    and independent from traditional         US into a full Microgrid integrating
companies develop smart mobility,        stock based shareholder legacy. In       Siemens Microgrid control
energy and supply chain management       Germany the IOTA foundation has          technologies.
related applications.                    placed one of the top ten worldwide
                                         Crypto Currencies with a market          This solution will not only enable
SUM UP WHY BLOCKCHAIN IS A               capitalization of $6.8 Billion USD.      Blockchain-based local energy
POTENTIAL GAME CHANGER IN                Recently BOSCH and Volkswagen have       trading between producers and
UTILITY AND ENERGY INDUSTRY              taken seats in the IOTA Foundation       consumers in parts of Brooklyn but
Blockchain is still in an early stage.   board to support the technology          also balance out local production
But the development is rapid and the     development. And in the United States    and consumption and make local
technology has disruptive potential in   the Siemens grouphas invested in LO3     grids more resilient.
utility and energy sector. It allows to  to develop blockchain based energy
enable flexible peer to peer business    trading platforms. Markets are moving    Blockchain technology is an
models, where prosumers interact         rapidly. The enterprises mentioned       innovative method of storing
independent from monolith market         have decided to push transformation      and validating data that permits
players. This will force traditional     instead being transformed by new         direct transactions between
suppliers into new roles, where          blockchain competitors. l                energy producers and consumers.
they have to transform traditional                                                Transactions are trackable and
business as energy supplier and          Note: the author is invested in crypto   tamper-proof on distributed
billing towards new services oriented    currencies. Not enough to change life,   systems without the need for
business with new revenue streams.       but enough to understand their impact.   centralized monitoring. The
                                                                                  combination of a microgrid
                                                                                  control solution and Blockchain
                                                                                  technology will make it possible for

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