Page 57 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 57

Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation  57


regulations that already entered into    This is an important figure to use when                 international shipping have to be
force or that will become effective the  formulating the global CO2 reduction                    reduced by a convincing percentage,
next years.                              strategy.                                               to be agreed upon by IMO in its
                                                                                                 April meeting of its environmental
REDUCTION OF CO2 EMISSIONS               Setting the CO2 reduction strategy                      committee.
Improving the fuel efficiency of the     In line with the spirit of Paris
fleet                                    declaration COP21, the International                    Reducing other emissions
Shipping is the world’s first sector     Maritime Organisation IMO is now                        Also for other emissions shipping is
where global regulations apply for the   discussing the CO2 reduction strategy.                  delivering. In Europe and in the North
energy efficiency of newbuild vessels,   October 2016 IMO decided to set an                      America region and the US Caribbean
regulations that become stricter over    initial strategy in April this year, to be              Sea the maximum sulphur content of
time. In this way the CO2 emissions      finalized in 2023. This schedule is in                  the bunker fuels is already reduced to
of newbuild vessels are lowered.         conformity with the time schedule of                    0,1%. The global cap was reduced to
Discussion is now ongoing to make        COP21.                                                  3,5% and will be reduced further to
the regulation more stringent, as the                                                            0,5% in 2020. The shipping industry is
improvement of the energy efficiency     Industry position on CO2 reduction                      calling upon governments worldwide
is going faster than expected.           The shipping industry through its                       to ensure that an effective enforcement
Continued innovation is the driver       international shipowners association                    policy is in place, to guarantee a level
of this. Companies have done major       ICS calls upon governments to set                       playing field for shipowners. Non
investments on new technological         an ambitious strategy that makes                        compliance should not prove to be
innovations such as upgrading            shipping a part of the solution in the                  a rewarding policy to follow, on the
engines, propellers and underwater       fight against global warming, while at                  contrary any benefits realized by being
hull to improve fuel efficiency.         the same time safeguarding the role                     non-compliant should be taken away
Companies also have adopted              of shipping as we know today in the                     by effective sanctions.
strategies to continuously monitor       world economy. The industry itself
fuel efficiency on board to reduce the   formulated a number of ambitious                        Also the emission of nitrogen is
overall fuel consumption. Total CO2      goals and submitted that to the IMO to                  regulated by the IMO and recently
emissions are estimated to be well       steer the discussion.                                   the countries around the North
below 2008 levels.                                                                               Sea and the Baltic Sea decided
                                         The first goals is to keep CO2                          to introduce the most stringent
Measuring the CO2 emission of the        emissions below the 2008 level, a                       regulation on NOx, the so called Tier
global fleet                             much more ambitious goal than                           III, in those sea areas for newbuilds
As of 2019, the total yearly CO2         COP21 allows. COP21 allows for an                       from the 1st of January, 2021 onwards.
emission of every vessel trading         increase of CO2 emissions until 2023.                   This will reduce the emission of NOx
internationally will have to be                                                                  by 80% compared to current levels. In
monitored on basis of the IMO1 global    The second goal is an improvement of                    the North America region and the US
Data Collection System (DCS), which      the relative CO2 emissions per tonne-                   Caribbean Sea the Tier III requirement
will become obligatory to use for all    km as an average across the world                       is already in force.
shipowners with ships above a certain    fleet by at least 50% in 2050 relative to
size. With this system the total CO2     2008 levels.                                            Recently new on the agenda of IMO
emission of the world fleet can be                                                               to regulate is the emission of black
calculated.                              The absolute CO2-emissions of                           carbon. l

1) The UN body for the safety and environmental regulation of the internationally trading fleet
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