Page 22 - European Energy Innovation magazine - spring 2023 edition
P. 22

Spring 2023 European Energy Innovation
               22    DIGITALISATION

            Digitalisation of the European

            Energy System

            By Pearse O'Donohue (pictured), Director of Future networks, Directorate-General for Communications
            Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission

            Why is the Commission proposing   energy resources during peak hours.  particularly in the distribution grid.
            a plan to digitalise the energy                                   Investments in digital solutions,
            system?                          In the long-term, digitalization   such as grid optimization, can
            To tackle the EU's dependence    will be a necessity for integrating   reduce capital expenditures on
            on Russian fossil fuels and the    decentralized forms of renewable   enhancing existing grid infrastructure
            ongoing climate crisis, we need to    energy into the grid, reducing   and support the deployment of
            accelerate the twin digital and    dependence on imported fossil   technologies such as electric cars
            green transformation of the EU’s   fuels and their price volatility. This   and decentralised renewables. As
            energy system.                   integration requires more attention   part of the Digitalisation of Energy
                                             to grid management and more grid   Action Plan, the European electricity
            Smart building systems, meters, and   flexibility at local level, which can   system operators, both for the high-
            electric vehicles, as well as Internet   be achieved through activation of   voltage (transmission) as the
            of Things (IoT) devices, provide   consumers and better management   medium and low-voltage
            critical information for monitoring   of prosumers’ energy assets. A   (distribution) grids, have jointly
            energy consumption, increasing   seamless access to granular data   signed a Declaration of Intent to
            renewable energy integration, and   about the state of the electricity   develop a digital twin of the
            reducing costs. Data services,   grid and prosumer assets will be   European electricity grid: The aim
            energy management systems, and   critical for delivering energy services   is to collaborate on digitalizing the
            applications hold enormous potential,   but can only be achieved through   grid, promoting mutual learning,
            but need further support to become   widespread digital tools and shared   and designing for interoperability.
            widespread.                      data infrastructure.
                                                                              What measures will the Action
            To support this transformation, the   How is the Commission       Plan implement to address
            Commission will undertake a series of   encouraging investment in the   cybersecurity issues?
            actions through legislative initiatives,   development of smart grids and   Digitalisation can bring many
            investments, and coordination with   digital solutions related to energy?  benefits to the energy system,
            Member States over the coming    The Commission is promoting      including increased efficiency,
            months and years.                investment in the development    flexibility, and resilience. However,
                                             of smart grids and related digital   it also introduces new challenges
            In the medium term, digitalization   solutions to ensure the energy sector   related to the security of the energy
            will facilitate seamless interactions   reaches its full potential. Despite   infrastructure and the reliability of
            among diverse actors, enabling   significant progress in digitalisation,   the electricity grid.
            consumers to benefit from        with 51% of households and SMEs
            domestic energy sources such     in the EU equipped with smart    To address these challenges, the
            as solar panels and community-   electricity meters, more must be   EU has a comprehensive approach
            owned wind turbines. For example,   done to achieve a fully smart and   that combines specific measures
            consumers could participate in   flexible energy environment.     for the energy sector with a broader
            energy communities and collective                                 cybersecurity framework. The
            self-consumption schemes, taking   To reach the goals of the Fit for   recently adopted revised Network
            advantage of their own solar panel   55 and REPowerEU initiatives for   and Information Security Directive,
            generation and benefit from lower cost   renewable energy and energy   known as NIS2, recognizes the energy
            electricity than buying from the grid.   efficiency, the Commission estimates   sector as a critical infrastructure and
                                             that approximately EUR 584 billion in   outlines provisions for national crisis
            Similarly, bidirectional electric vehicle   electricity infrastructure investments   response, risk management, and
            charging would provide additional   will be required from 2020 to 2030,   information exchange.

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