Page 32 - European Energy Innovation magazine - spring 2023 edition
P. 32
Spring 2023 European Energy Innovation
PV, roughly 50% for onshore wind and
34% for offshore wind), which are also
Figure 4 affected by the relatively low price
levels of the considered scenario. An
exception exists, as PV systems in
the Iberian electricity market (MIBEL)
were found to be profitable on an
EOM basis.
The 2019 simulations of MIBEL
and the Portuguese and Spanish
ancillary services and imbalance
settlements enabled to calibrate the
MASCEM and RESTrade models to
obtain close-to real-world results.
For the second iteration of these
markets, S1-S4 scenarios will be
addressed, assessing the impact of
temporal and sectoral flexibilities
and the performance of new market
design bundles for RES-dominated
scenarios. In what concerns ancillary
services markets, the Portuguese and
Spanish control zones have different
rules for vRES market players. In
upstream utility company. MGs in energy costs and managing local future scenarios, the participation of
the P2P trading platform can buy/sell network congestions. The TradeRES vRES and demand players in these
their energy deficiency/surplus with project will also evaluate the above markets will be addressed for both
each other at local prices rather than P2P energy trading paradigm and countries.
trading with the utility companies at assess the role and value of the Local
the offered grid prices, e.g., Time- Energy Markets (LEM) in supporting Finally, the studies conducted
of-Use (ToU) tariff and Feed-in Tariff cost effective transition to zero enable to observe a P2P energy
(FiT). More specifically, a MG with an carbon electricity system. trading paradigm contributing to
energy deficit can take advantage of the efficient management of energy
other MGs with an energy surplus by Final notes supply and demand by promoting
purchasing their excess at a lower All the first simulations applied direct energy exchange within a
local price in comparison to the to national and regional markets local energy market, which would
grid's ToU tariff. On the other hand, are preliminary and it is too soon provide significant economic benefits,
a MG with excess energy can make to extract final conclusions or compared to a conventional retail
more revenue compared to the recommendations for suitable market market. l
unattractive grid FiT by participating designs. However, the MPIs obtained
in P2P trading. In this context, MGs so far for SPS scenario (2019), point
can first share their energy demand out energy-only markets seem Readers may find more
and generation internally within an to be insufficient to give enough information about TradeRES
energy cooperation concept and incentives to promote investment project at the link
settle the remaining energy deficit or in a high volume of renewables. For
surplus with the utility company. It is the German case study, this holds including the large majority
expected that the local trading prices for all kinds of RES that showed of the deliverables, of
obtained are within the range of grid market-based cost recovery rates public access.
prices (i.e., FiT and ToU), so that the below 100% (slightly above 70% for
buyers and sellers within the MGs can
achieve more trading deals and cost-
effective performance locally. Overall, This work has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020
the benefit of P2P energy trading lies research and innovation program under TradeRES project
in balancing local demand-supply, (grant agreement No 864276).
utilizing local renewables, reducing