Page 31 - European Energy Innovation magazine - spring 2023 edition
P. 31

Figure 2

            based on optimization models
            and those were recently simulated
            for national and regional markets:
            These include, e.g. scenario S0 to
            capture key milestones of the energy
            transition process which is planned
            to occur by the year 2030. The
            expected transition until 2050 (when
            climate-neutrality is to be reached)
            is addressed through S1-S4 TradeRES
            Scenarios. These are identified as
            the “Conservative” (S1), “Flexible”
            (S2), “Variable” (S3) and the “Radical”
            (S4) scenarios. The timeline in Fig.
            3 positions the scenarios to the key
            milestone years and also indicates
            the Starting Point Scenario (SPS) that
            refers to a historic recent year with
            stable market and power system
            performance (i.e., 2019, recently
            simulated) [see Deliverable 5.3].    Figure 3

            The Local, National and Regional
            European Markets
            Although it is not within TradeRES
            work programme to address the actual
            volatility of electricity markets, mainly
            induced by external factors, the recent
            events further enhanced the need
            to electricity markets and carefully
            identify their vulnerabilities, to design   D addressed the Iberian market   market basis. The parameterizations
            new features that are more robust and   (MIBEL) with the agent-based models   assumed in the Iberian case study (D)
            present a lower level of risk for all the   MASCEM and RESTrade to analyse   revealed different market outcomes
            players involved. In that context, it is   new market features able to mitigate   for Portugal and Spain. E.g., when
            of particular relevance to study the   the impact of vRES variability and   levelized remuneration supports (the
            future evolution of existing electricity   uncertainty in the market revenues of   same as described for the German
            markets in Europe, what TradeRES   those power plants.            case study) were applied to both
            recently successfully concluded.                                  countries for the SPS scenario, in
                                             Given the parameterisation of the   Portugal only the two-way contract
            The National and Regional European   SPS (including a moderate CO    for differences (CfDs) scheme
            Markets accomplished the set     and commodity price level), for the   does not enable players to obtain
            of simulations by addressing the   remuneration schemes examined (an   remunerations above the variable
            following aspects: Case Study B – the   EOM without support, a fixed market   premium, used as reference, whereas
            behaviour of the Dutch electricity   premium, a variable market premium,   in Spain, in what concerns wind
            market using the soft-linked market   a two-sided Contracts for Differences   energy, none of the support schemes
            models AMIRIS-EMLabpy aiming     scheme and a capacity premium),   allowed wind investors recovering
            to analyse both if an energy-only   not much difference is observed in   their (annualised) investment costs.
            market will be sufficient to achieve   terms of most market performance
            the Netherlands’ vRES target for   indicators (MPIs) studied. This holds   Economic Benefits of P2P Energy
            2050 and to analyse if such a system   for a system with a moderate RES   Trading Paradigm
            can ensure security of supply. Case   share (34%) and relatively low average   Based on the trading paradigm
            study C addressed the German day-  price levels compared to the current   shown in Fig. 4, within TradeRES a
            ahead market using the agent-based   high price situation. Given such a   peer-to-peer (P2P) trading platform
            model AMIRIS to analyse the need   price levels it was also found that   is coordinating energy trading
            and possible design of remuneration   renewables would not be able to   (quantities and prices) among three
            schemes for vRES; Case study     recover their full costs on a pure   microgrids (MGs), independent of the

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