Page 57 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 57
Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation 57
Obviously as a Swede this is countries instead of trying to teach
provocative as we some hundred years them something they already know.
ago taught ourselves how to tackle It is also important that we learn from
deforestation. For every tree being cut already existing forums such as Forest
down in Sweden two new are planted Europe instead of creating parallel
and we even have support schemes for structures for forest management in
those who keep our fields open and the EU.
free from forests. It stands clear that we
simply do not face the same challenges The importance of biomass will only
as the United Kingdom or the increase as our fight to tackle climate
Netherlands. But yet we are now faced change intensifies. It is only when we
with a situation where we are subjected replace fossil products with sustainable
to demands of new regulation on products made out of biomass we
forestry and biomass by those who best store the carbon and when we
a thousand years ago cut down their shift from fossil fuels to renewable
forests, and still haven’t figured out energy sources such as biomass we
how to get them back. At the same decrease our impact on the climate.
time our forests are growing at a record This applies not only to energy but also
pace. This is at least from a Swedish to other areas such as construction.
point of view somewhat contradictory. But in order to ensure this we need
At the root of this problem lies the rules which encourages active forestry
fundamental misconception that and the use of bio-energy instead of
Europe is being deforested while in fact doing the opposite. This is why it is so
the forest area of the EU is increasing important that the LULUCF rules which
with the equivalent area of Cyprus are to be updated promote forestry
every year. Our problem lies not in and not hinder it. And this is why it is
deforestation but in poorly managed important that the Renewable Energy
forests. Directive promotes biomass instead
of tying it down with unnecessary and
It is clear that a balance between counterproductive regulations. A tree
these interests needs to be struck. It is which is not growing is not storing
indeed legitimate to want to know that any more carbon and a forest which
the resources being used are in fact is not managed will not grow as well
sustainable but that must not be done as it could. To use the forests and
in a way which hinders functioning the products which come from it is a
and sustainable biomass markets. It prerequisite for us to benefit from the
is important to remember that when carbon storage capacity of our forests.
Finland and Sweden joined the Union
the forested area of the EU increased The use of biomass will only increase
by over 50 percent. The countries that as we continue to decarbonize our
live of forestry do not only have a long economies. We must keep our eye
standing tradition in doing so but they on the prize in order to stop climate
also know how to maintain the forests change. Putting an unnecessary leash
to ensure that their livelihood does not on biomass is in fact putting a leash on
disappear. We must learn from these the fight to tackle climate change. l