Page 60 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
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60 Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation
renewable energy directive (REDII) term vision within the framework of bioenergy sustainability, to assess
with 2030 targets. While preparing the this new renewable energy directive. stakeholders’ opinions on the risks to
directive, the European Commission Both RES technologies and market be addressed and the effectiveness
has launched a wide consultation on players are ready to deliver. With of existing policies. AEBIOM is
the new renewable energy directive – to this in mind, AEBIOM has thrown its supporting a harmonised EU policy on
which AEBIOM has responded. This weight behind an ambitious post- sustainability that would simultaneously
review was a very good opportunity to 2020 renewable energy package that provide investor trust and visibility,
look back on achievements and lessons fosters a vibrant home market with avoid market barriers and give the
learnt. So far, in spite of a few specific clear growth perspectives, and asserts opportunity to the sector to show its
sectoral concerns, most observers the EU’s leadership in renewables commitment in delivering sustainable
agree that the first renewable energy in the face of rising international bioenergy. The initiative would
directive (RED) allowed renewable competition. However, we think that the also provide a stable investment
energy operators to develop and plan EU renewable energy sector can deliver environment for energy producers
investments within a stable medium- more than the 27% of the 2030 target and biomass suppliers. Over the
term regulatory framework. The RED, set so far by both the Commission and last few years, the absence of such
a pioneer initiative at the time, has Member States. We also regret that harmonisation has led to the onset of
encouraged Member States to support the EU target is not implemented into varying national sustainability rules –
RES projects, sometimes with financial nationally legally binding targets. making trade barriers more complex.
incentives that were key in terms of This gap has also given room for
developing a more mature sector In addition to these key concerns, discrediting the bioenergy sector on
that could face the competition of AEBIOM is advocating for a pragmatic the basis of sometimes oversimplified
fossil-derived energy. This stability approach meant to reassure market and stereotyped messages. An
and support was a strong signal for players: firstly, it’s always good to EU sustainability policy, based on
economic operators who answered remind ourselves that we should a balanced and non-bureaucratic
the call en masse, allowing to develop meet the 2020 objectives (20% RES). approach, would not only make sure
renewables and progress towards the Secondly, we need to build on the that sufficient volumes of biomass
2020 20% EU target. Considering this, existing RED and seek to improve it. complying with sustainability criteria
the RED can be considered as a solid Thirdly, the recent EU Heating and will be mobilised and delivered to
success. However, political stimuli are Cooling strategy is welcome, as the the market, but would also address
short-lived and need to be renewed sector represents 50% of our final questions and concerns from wider-
when the time comes. As a matter energy consumption: it could be society.
of fact, contrary to all expectations, decarbonised with RES H&C sources
investments in renewable energy like biomass, and this should be European energy policy is like a
assets in the EU fell by 18% in 2015, taken into account in the REDII. An complex puzzle. Every piece is
reaching their lowest level since 2006! important role is played by the building important in order to complete the
Up until today, when asked about sector here, with the residential whole picture, and we need them
their main concerns, key European sector representing 45% of final H&C all for smooth bioenergy market
bioenergy industry players’ responses consumption. A minimum share of RES development. Many stakeholders,
are twofold: a lack of regulatory should be required for new buildings often with different visions and
visibility after 2020 and the recent and long-term renovation strategies objectives, are involved in the
changes in some national support of existing buildings should be bioenergy debate. Working together,
schemes. The latter, national support established at national level to address and moving in the same direction, is
schemes, are no longer considered the existing building stock. becoming a challenge. Bioenergy can
as secure as they once were. In this deliver energy security, contribute
context, the outcomes of COP21 are Last but not least, in mid-February, to climate change mitigation, create
an opportunity not to be missed, and the European Commission has jobs and strengthen innovation and
should be used by the EU to renew its announced an improved EU bioenergy competitiveness, provided that sound
momentum. What RES market players sustainability policy for the end of the legislation is in place. Key policies are
need above all today is a strong year. In this context, it has launched being negotiated in 2016, hopefully for
positive message and a solid medium a 3 month public consultation on the best! l