Page 59 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
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Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation 59
2016 will be a pivotal year for
the future of bioenergy in Europe
Bioenergy often faces a lack of recognition when compared to other renewable energy solutions.
However, it accounts for more than 60% of the overall renewables consumption in Europe, contributing
de facto to the fulfillment of Member States’ 2020 renewable energy targets. Bioenergy is concerned by
several key files currently being discussed in Brussels – and there is no doubt: such topics will be high on
the 2016 EU policy agenda and beyond.
By M. Jossart (pictured) General Secretary, The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM)
New frameworks and all of AEBIOM’s attention. Firstly, the EU GHG emissions reduction by 2050) if
regulations will have a strategy for Heating and Cooling (H&C), we want to steer clear of technology
critical impact on the which the European Commission lock-ins or stranded assets within a
bioenergy sector as a whole presented in mid-February. Until fossil fuel infrastructure (like new fossil
and, depending on the direction set by today, renewable energy policies have gas pipelines).
European policy makers, the industry been almost exclusively focusing on
will be facing either challenges or the electricity sector. The European Secondly, the 2030 Climate and Energy
opportunities after 2020. Listing all Commission decision to tackle the Framework and the new Renewable
relevant, impactful existing or coming issue and decarbonise the H&C Energy Directive will establish the
policies concerning the bioenergy sector is therefore welcomed by the policy framework for renewable energy
sector could give the impression of sector’s professionals. In fact, biomass (RES) for the period 2020-2030. In
a Prévert-style exercise: the EU 2030 now represents 89% of the total EU fact, within the development of its
Climate and Energy packages, the EU renewable heat consumption and Energy Union Framework Strategy, the
bioenergy sustainability policy, the EU 15% of the total EU heat consumption. European Commission announced a
strategy on Heating and Cooling, the This share is expected to increase new renewable energy package for
EU Bioeconomy strategy, the Circular slightly in 2020, according to Member the post-2020 period, including a new
economy package, the Eco-labelling States’ projections. Biomass has the
revision, air emissions legislation potential to deliver significant and
(medium combustion plants and large cost-effective solutions for a growing
combustion plants directives), the heat demand. Innovative technologies
state aid guidelines revision, the Forest are today mature and ready to deliver
strategy implementation, the LULUCF for heating buildings, cities and
decision, the EU market design and the industrial processes. This strategy,
ETS revision are among the key policy expected to focus on a reduction and
files we could mention. However, we decarbonisation of the H&C demand,
must not forget that the bioenergy offers important opportunities for
sector still represents a small segment renewable energy, including biomass.
when compared to fossil fuels, and it An important barrier to the deployment
remains populated by players of very and competitiveness of RES today
different financial capacities. Therefore, – particularly in the H&C sector – is
we should take this into account the low price of fossil fuels and the
and stay pragmatic when producing continuous support that these receive.
policies and legislation. Let us not risk Fossil fuel subsidies should be phased-
hindering the dynamism and innovation out urgently and carbon outside the
of a key sector for renewable energy ETS sectors should be priced, as is
production, especially after the COP21 already the case in several Member
agreement. States that have introduced a carbon
tax. Overall, we need coherence and a
Among the policies abovementioned, constant eye on long-term EU climate
three ongoing discussions are focusing and energy objectives (i.e. 80-95%