Page 30 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 30
30 Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation
Value of Energy Storage
in supporting cost effective
By Goran Strbac, Professor of Energy Systems, Dr Ioannis Konstantelos and Dr Danny Pudjianto,
Imperial College London
The transition towards low- that feature a high penetration of (ii) Investment in cross-border
carbon electricity systems raises variable renewables in the year interconnection capacity
severe challenges with respect to 2030. Figure 1 shows the mix of cost (I CAPEX).
increased balancing requirements and benefits across five scenarios;
and degradation in asset utilisation. the first three and latter two (iii) Investment in demand-side
Energy storage (ES) constitutes achieving a carbon intensity target response capability
a flexible option that can offer of 100 and 50g/KWh respectively. (DR CAPEX).
numerous services and facilitate a Sensitivity studies were also
cost-effective decarbonisation of our undertaken around the amount of (iv) System operating cost (OPEX)
electricity systems. In the following photovoltaic and wind generation through energy arbitrage,
sections we highlight and quantify the that could be installed at the time balancing and frequency
value of some key functions that ES (denoted high PV and high wind). regulation.
could perform in the future. The annual net benefit of storage
was found to be between 3.2 and 7.8 (v) Distribution investment (D
WHOLE-SYSTEM BENEFITS OF billion £/year. The model computed CAPEX) by supporting power
ENERGY STORAGE costs and benefits across several management in distribution
The WeSIM model, developed at components: networks.
Imperial College, was applied to
quantify the benefit of installing (i) Investing in ES (S CAPEX) is the (vi) Transmission investment (T
20GW of ES to the electricity system capital cost of deploying 20GW of CAPEX) by managing north to
of Great Britain in future scenarios ES across the country. south power transfers.
Savings in annualised GB system cost10.0 7.8 n DR CAPEX
(£bn/year) 7.8 l n S CAPEX
High wind n OPEX
8.0 l (50g) n D CAPEX
6.0 4.7 n T CAPEX
4.2 l n G CAPEX (other)
l n G CAPEX (low-C)
4.0 3.2 l Total
-2.0 Balance High PV High wind High PV
(100g) (100g) (100g) (50g)
Figure 1: Annual cost savings resulting from the deployment of ES.