Page 27 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 27

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation                         27

                                               MICROALGAE RESEARCH

         Our big achievement is that all European
researchers in microalgae have come together.
We are establishing new collaborations between
research and industry that will eventually
lead to spin-offs.

manager and a researcher at              Algal proteins are particularly          PRODUCTIVE PARTNERSHIPS
the Universidad de Valladolid in         interesting, and can be used in infant   These partnerships between
Spain. “Our big achievement is           formula. “There is a protein deficiency  researchers and industry are at the
that all European researchers in         in Europe,” says Hayes. “Companies       heart of EUALGAE, adds Dr John
microalgae have come together. We        could produce high-amino-acid            Dodd, a bio-business consultant
are establishing new collaborations      flours that are very bio-available and   and co-founder of the company
between research and industry that       lucrative.”                              AlgaeCytes Ltd, and who worked with
will eventually lead to spin-offs.”                                               the network.
                                         Short-term research placements
One early advance has improved           between members – over 30 so             “Researchers need SME partnerships
technology to purify biogas, he adds.    far – are opening up opportunities       to finance work, while commercial
                                         to develop new products. For             organisations have invaluable
“Here, microalgae remove carbon          example, EUALGAE provided funds          access to scientists’ know-how and
dioxide and hydrogen sulphide from       for a Spanish researcher to go to        analytical equipment,” he says.
biogas, producing pure methane to        Ireland to help scale up a process for
be injected into natural gas grids,” he  extracting proteins that could benefit   He adds that the network’s research
says. “Other breakthroughs will come     heart health or help prevent type 2      placements and training are having a
later.”                                  diabetes.                                big impact on the industry: “EUALGAE
                                                                                  gives a focus for work while the training
CIRCULAR ECONOMY INGREDIENTS             In addition, the network is helping the  increases the number of experienced
Dr Maria Hayes of Teagasc, Ireland’s     European Commission and national         specialists in this field, creating a
Agriculture and Food Development         legislatures better understand the       stronger resource for Europe.” l
Authority, is leading cooperation on     potential of algae-based industries.
algae refining and applications within   “We are preparing a white paper on
the network. “EUALGAE supports a         microalgae, due by the end of 2018,”
move to more circular and bio-based      she says. “It describes what strains
economies,” she says.                    are in Europe, current products,
                                         barriers to product development and
Microalgae compounds have uses           costs and benefits.”
in many industries, ranging from
food and animal feed to                  Contact information
pharmaceuticals and cosmetics,
she explains. For example, members       View the Action:
are investigating pigments such as       View the Network website:
astaxanthin, which can be used in
fish products, and algal oils, which
can replace less sustainable oils
in cosmetics.
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