Page 24 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 24

24  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


The first industrial-size biogas-fed CHP system based on
fuel cells (high efficiency and zero emissions)

The DEMOSOFC project, funded by            The DEMOSOFC plant is able to            that all potential pollutants (NOx,
FCH-JU, has put into operation the         generate, from a by-product of the       SOx, particulates, VOC, etc) are below
largest industrial size biogas-fed         wastewater purification line, CHP        detection limits of the traditional
fuel cell plant in Europe. The plant       energy for the plant. The installed 174  instrumentation (e.g. < 20 mg/m3 for
is a combined heat and power energy        kWe system (3 modules, 58 kWe each)      NOx and < 8 mg/m3 for SO2).
system, working by recovering the          will be able to cover around 25-30%
biogas obtained from the digestion of      of the plant electrical load and         Key advantages of the DEMOSOFC
the sewage sludge in a wastewater          around 50% of the thermal load on        concept, compared to traditional
treatment plant located near Torino (IT).  a yearly basis.                          internal combustion engines and
                                                                                    micro-turbines, are the very high
Thanks to the anaerobic digestion,         The first of the three SOFC modules      electrical efficiency (50-55%
sludge is turned into a useful fuel        started its operation in the Collegno    compared to 35-40% for traditional
– biogas – made of methane and             site (Torino, IT) on October 30, 2017    engines), emissions and modularity:
carbon dioxide. This 100% renewable        and has now reached more than            the SOFC technology shows in fact
fuel is fed to an innovative Solid         2000 hours of operation. Results         stable performance despite the plant
Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), able to            confirmed the high efficiency of the     size (from kW to hundreds of kW to,
produce high efficiency electrical         SOFC module (always higher than          in perspective, MW-size).
power, heat, and zero emissions            50%, with peaks at 55-56%) and the
to the atmosphere (because the             zero emissions to atmosphere. A          The replication potential of this
electrochemical process, which             dedicated onsite emissions analysis      installation is significant. The
occurs inside the SOFC, is indeed          – carried out by the Finnish partner     DEMOSOFC project estimated
generating no combustion products).        VTT in December 2017 – showed            that, among the 23’423 wastewater
                                                                                    treatment plants in Europe, more
                                                                                    than 50% are small-medium size
                                                                                    plants, where the installation of
                                                                                    a traditional piston engine is less
                                                                                    convenient and efficient. The
                                                                                    potential SOFC power installation
                                                                                    in the wastewater treatment sector
                                                                                    in Europe ranges from 930 to 2550
                                                                                    MWe. Furthermore, the DEMOSOF

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