Page 20 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 20

20  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


COOPERATION MECHANISMS OF THE RES DIRECTIVE (2009/28/EC)                           and join forces with other
Article 6: Statistical transfers                                                   interested regions/member states
In this case, renewable energy (electricity, heat or transport energy) which       and their National Governments.
has been produced in one MS is virtually transferred to the RES statistics of      Finally, lessons learned from
another MS, counting towards the national RES target of that MS.                   the Extremadura case study will
                                                                                   help other regions with similar
Article 7: Joint Projects between EU MS                                            circumstances better exploit their
Allows EU MS to finance a RES project jointly thus sharing the costs and           renewable energy export potential
benefits of the project and developed under framework conditions jointly           across Europe. This will facilitate
set by two or more MS (i.e. a specific new plant is identified and the output      the much-anticipated integrated
of the plant is shared (statistically) between to cooperating MS). The involved    renewable electricity market in
MS define which share of the energy production counts towards which                Europe. l
MS target.
                                                                                    Ana Díaz Vázquez Profile
Article 9: Joint Projects with third countries
Joint projects can also be implemented between MS and third countries                Dr. Ana Díaz Vázquez holds an
(i.e.: countries outside the EU). A precondition is that an amount of electricity    industrial engineering degree
that equals the electricity amount generated from RES and subject to this            from the University of Dresden,
joint project is physically imported in o the EU (For more information on this       Germany and a PhD in energy
option, see                                                 engineering from the University
                                                                                     of Pisa, Italy. Her thesis research
Article 11: Joint Support Schemes                                                    was undertaken in collaboration
Under this scheme, MS merge or coordinate (parts of) their RES support               with ENEL (Italian Energy
schemes and jointly define how the renewable energy produced is allocated            Agency). She has also completed
to their national targets.                                                           a Management Development
                                                                                     Program (PDD) from IESE
Source: RES Directive (2009/28/EC)                                                   Business School.

the coordination of National energy          and the design elements of the          She has conducted research
policies fostering regional cooperation      cooperation agreement that              activities at the University of
between MS.                                  lead to win-win outcomes for all        Madison (Wisconsin, USA) and
                                             involved actors.                        at the Institute for Energetic
However, despite the expected                                                        Economy Studies and Rational
benefits, some obstacles currently       2. As for ways to make this project         Use of Energies (IER, Stuttgart,
prevent the materialization of these         economically feasible exists            Germany).
types of projects.                           various options to reduce the
                                             financial “gap”, understood as the      Dr. Diaz has co-authored
1. As for the possibility to make use        difference between the required         the book “Opportunities and
    of the cooperation mechanisms,           power purchasing agreement (PPA)        perspectives on innovation for
    past experience indicates that it        and the average electricity pool        the energy production systems”,
    may take a some time to get the          price.                                  for the Ministry of Industry
    interest and the support from                                                    in Germany and is the author
    both host and off-taker countries    In this case, when considering a solar      of several technical papers
    This is due to the existence of      FOAK project, the interest of the           in international journal about
    several barriers of heterogeneous    off-taker country should go beyond          energy production systems.
    nature (eg: uncertainty about        purely costs savings and include, for
    the post 2020 framework,             example, industrial and technology          She has been the Chief
    social acceptability, first mover    interest, the need for dispatchable         technology officer at Abengoa
    risk, limited interconnection        renewable electricity or/and research       and a member of the OMI-Polo
    capacity, etc). In any case, after   interests.                                  Español-Portugal board. In
    identifying potential interested                                                 august 2016, she began working
    cooperating countries, there is a    The fact that Extremadura (ES) is           at JRC Seville, carrying out
    need to carefully assess and find    leading the Solar S3 partnership            research on Energy Policies and
    the right framework conditions       will help Extremadura collaborate           Technologies at the Economics
                                                                                     of Climate Change Unit.

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