Page 23 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 23

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation     23

                                                EU ENERGY TRANSITION

acknowledge that beyond technology,      Structuring a “bottom-up”                  Either they give way to short term
successfully transitioning towards       institutional alignment has been the       political motives and drive illusory
a low carbon regime, is a wider          primary and original focus of EERA; it     nationalistic priorities that will
challenge that entails redefining        has resulted in the strong and unique      irremediably weaken Europe’s share
aspirations, preferences and lifestyle   convergence of efforts towards             of voice in the global geopolitical
whereby citizens take stock of their     sharing research agendas across            arena and eventually endanger the
entire energy footprint. It is about     organizations within and across EU         continuity of its very founding values.
rethinking our societal values and       and associated countries.
eventually our education system.                                                    EERA has been created along the
                                         However, at the outset of the              fundamental belief in the virtues
EERA, capitalizing on its social         critical execution phase of the SET        of collaboration. It stands more
science experts, is leading several      Plan, increasing the convergence           than ever firmly, with the entire EU
initiatives to establish the conditions  of SET Plan countries priorities –         Research Community, to support a
of a successful transition, by           representing more than 90% of              better common EU future. l
increasing awareness of Social           the mobilizable research funds -
Sciences and Humanities (SSH)            represents now the key challenge on         About Adel El Gammal
concerns within the SET Plan policy      which much of the SET Plan success
making process.                          will depend.

EU SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY IS               While research funding allocation fully    Adel El Gammal is a recognized
DELIVERING, GOVERNMENTS NOW              remains within the political Member        expert and a senior EU Affairs
NEED THE POLITICAL VISION TO             State’s remit, EERA, with its extensive    professional in the fields of low
MAKE IT HAPPEN                           European coverage and through the          carbon technologies, energy
While the size and structure of          intimate institutional connections         transition, and climate change.
“Horizon Europe”, the next EU            its members hold with national
Research and Innovation framework        stakeholders, will concentrate efforts to  Before joining EERA as Secretary
programme are still under discussion     foster and facilitate higher convergence   General, Adel was active for
at the time of writing this article, it  of SET-Plan countries research priorities  the last 10 years in the EU
is essential to recall that the vast     towards the SET-Plan objectives.           climate energy debate, notably
majority of public R&I funding still                                                as Director of the Becquerel
resides with Member States.              At a moment where many of the EU           Institute, a consultancy
                                         Member States are struggling under         providing advanced research
By the end of June, 14 thematic          populist and nationalist pressures,        and intelligence on the energy
Implementation Plans covering the        Member State governments are               transition, and Secretary General
full SET Plan scope will have been       now confronted with a fundamental          of the EU PV Industry Association
endorsed by the SET Plan Steering        choice on their common future.             (EPIA, now SolarPower Europe),
Group – the governing body of the                                                   where he launched the SET-Plan
SET Plan – detailing the R&I actions     Either they demonstrate the political      Solar Europe Industry Initiative
that need to be implemented              courage of implementing a strong           (SEII).
to achieve the overall SET Plan          and competitive Europe, united by
objectives.                              shared fundamental values, striving to     Adel is civil engineer from Ecole
                                         maintain and consolidate a common          Polytechnique of Brussels,
 About EERA                              EU vision and leadership.                  holds degrees in Business
                                                                                    Administration from Solvay
The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) is an alliance of                      Business School (Belgium)
European public research centres and universities. It constitutes the               and Insead (France) and later
strategic research pillar of the European Strategic Energy Technology               specialized in Environment
Plan (SET-Plan).                                                                    Management (IGEAT, Belgium).

EERA brings together about 250 research centres and universities,
representing about 50.000 energy experts across 30 countries. Actively
working together on 17 joint research programmes, they build on national
research initiatives. In a Joint Programme a research organization join
institutions in other European countries to work on shared priorities
and research projects. The EERA Joint Programmes are aligned with the
priorities of the EU SET-Plan.

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