Page 21 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 21

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation    21


Structural Funds for de-risking
energy investments in buildings

The use of financial instruments                              HousEEnvest
(FIs) supported by the European
Structural Investment Funds (ESIF) is     Energy Efficiency Investments in multifamily houses
proving to be a more sustainable and
efficient way to invest in growth and     PROJECT SOCIOECONOMIC INDICATORS             PROJECT ENERGY INDICATORS
development than the classic non-
returnable grant.                            5 Million Euro ERDF as Guarantee Fund  300.000 sq. of buildings retrofitted
                                             > 35 Million Euro invested             60% final energy saved per building
In the current 2014-2020 period, the         > 700 equivalent employment            1 MW PV self-consumption installed
Operational Programs (OPs)                   > 60% public support returns as taxes  > 6.000 users improve comfort
of the Member States (MS) plan
to use 20 billion euros from ERDF
and CF (about 8% of the total) for
FIs, nearly double than the 11 billion
euros of the previous period

The financial products in larger          • Rehabilite project (Interreg SUDOE)     • EC initiatives were very valuable
use are currently loans and equity,           funded the capacity building              in the process of definition of
or quasi-equity, with a lower                 platform.                                 Extremadura FI ( Fi-Compass,
introduction in the market of                                                           Smart Finance for Smart Buildings
guarantees and multiproduct. This         • HousEEnvest (H2020) will provide            Initiative, Sustainable Energy
was also repeated in 2007-2013,               the technical assistance for the          Investment Forums, EEFIG,
mainly due to the intensification of          investment implementation                 DEEP or Managenergy), and their
FIs in the SME and RTD thematic               through a one-stop-shop.                  necessity will increase for the
objectives.                                                                             definition of the coming 2021-2027.
                                          Some conclusions from Agenex
However, 2014-2020 presents a large       (Extremadura Energy Agency)               • Specific training is recommended
number of FIs samples in the energy       experience:                                   for Managing Authorities all over
field, covering loans, guarantees and                                                   Europe, to be able to manage
multiproduct. Extremadura Region is       • Commercial banks are willing to             FIs in OPs, and to analyse the
one of these samples.                         increase their portfolio of clients       results from ex-ante assessments.
                                              through investing in new projects.        Managenergy initiative, together with
Extremadura Region has designed a             However, due to the lack of               National, Regional and Local Energy
Guarantee Fund of 5 million euros             references, the energy efficiency         Agencies can play an important role
ERDF from the ROP, which will cover           in buildings is still perceived as a      in the analysis of the market gap
the risk of the Commercial Banks              risky investment when it includes         to be covered by the FI. l
when lending 35 million euros for             full retrofitting and external
energy retrofitting of condominiums.          insulation.                            Contact information

Extremadura is going to combine 5         • The intervention of public sector is      Javier Ordonez
different fund sources in order to            necessary in order to provide de-       Head of International Area
mobilize the final investments:               risking systems, which has to be        AGENEX – Extremadura Energy
                                              offered through financial products      Agency
• The OP provides the guarantee to            such as Guarantees, and through         Email:
    the commercial banks.                     integral market assistance such as
• Commercial banks leverage with
    private investment until 35 million.

• Finerpol project (Interreg Europe)
    funded the ex-ante assessment.
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