Page 29 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
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Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation  29


        CREATE project

DO      Compact REtrofit Advanced Thermal Energy storage - An economically affordable, compact
        and loss-free heat battery for existing buildings.

        The CREATE project is a research project funded by

                    the European Commission under the Horizon 2020

  EARLYprogramme. The consortium consists of eleven partners
BIRD RATEfrom eight different European countries and it is led by
Pre-registAeErE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies. The project
   & save started in October 2015 and will last till September 2019.

egates  The main aim is to develop and demonstrate a heat
        battery, i.e. an advanced thermal storage system based
        on Thermo-Chemical Materials (TCMs), that enables
        economically affordable, compact and loss-free storage
        of heat in existing buildings. In this manner, the CREATE
        system will be able to store surplus of heat from summer
        to winter.

                    DEVELOPMENT OF THE CREATE SYSTEM                              Figure: The test set-up for experiments with one
                    A database of approximately 600 hydrate reactions of          CREATE storage module. 1. Buffer storage tank,
                                                                                  2. Heating rod, 3. Evaporator/Condenser (EC), 4. Storage
rs salt hydrates was created in order to select a the most                        module, 5. Heat pump
                    suitable material for the Thermo-Chemical Material. Based
                    on characteristics such as energy density, charging and       as power, stability and energy density; (ii) development
                    discharging temperature, the salt potassium carbonate         and optimization of a prismatic shaped absorber vessel
                    (K2CO3) was selected as the preferred TCM for the CREATE      to improve stackability and space requirements; (iii)
                    system. More than twenty different TCM composites of          development and optimization of low-cost evaporator/
                    K2CO3 were manufactured on lab-scale and extensively          condenser; and (iv) optimization of the full-scale system
                    characterized. The composite with the highest energy          on basis of lab experiments and annual simulation.
                    density in particle beds was selected for further upscaling.
                    A production run of 100kg batches was successfully            DEMONSTRATION
                    performed, proving that industrial production is within       Implementation of the CREATE concept is foreseen
                    target range.                                                 in typical European dwellings. To demonstrate the
                                                                                  applicability of the thermochemical storage solution and
LAZLO   The entire system is based on seasonal storage of solar                   its operation in real-life conditions as well as to receive an
VARRO   energy. The heat storage process is possible due to                       early user feedback, the CREATE system will be installed
        dehydration (discharging) and hydration (charging) of the                 in a full-scale into an orphanage in Warsaw, Poland. The
        salt in a closed system under vacuum. Heat from the solar                 climate at the location is characterized by cold winters
        collector is used to dehydrate salt while water vapour is                 and warm summers. The demonstration is planned to
        released, condensed at evaporator/condenser (EC) unit and                 start in summer 2019. l
        stored in the water reservoir. In winter, the water from the
        water reservoir is pumped to the EC and evaporated there.
        Then the vapour is flowing to the salt and the salt is hydrated.

        PROJECT PROGRESS                                                          Contact information
        The most challenging part of the project proved to be
        handling of the volume expansion/shrinking of the salt                    Project ID:     680450
        during the hydration and dehydration process and the
        provision of constant heating power.                                      Website:

        So far, the main project’s achievements revolved                          Start date:     October 2015
        around (i) improvement of the salt performance such
                                                                                  Duration:       48 months

                                                                                  Project coordinator: Wim van Helden

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