Page 12 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 12
hnical guidance on nancing the energy renovation of buildings7, published earlier in 2014, a useful
source of inspiration to inform this part of the strategy.
Table 1 presents the assessment of each renovation strategy against each of the items, together with an
12overall scoreBWbUianstIeeLrdD20oI1Nn4 EGtuhSroepEpeNaenrEcERenenGrgtYaygInEenFooFvfaIttCioonItEaNl pCoYssible points.
Table 1 - Compliance with EED Article 4 requirements
COUNTRY Overview of Identi cation Policies to Forward-looking Estimate of OVERALL level
building stock of cost- stimulate perspective expected of compliance
e ective cost- to guide energy with Article 4
approaches to e ective investment savings and
renovation renovation decisions wider bene ts
Austria 3 21 0 1 28%
Brussels Capital Region 5 53 2 2 68%
Czech Republic 3 34 4 4 72%
Denmark 2 14 0 1 32%
France 4 44 2 2 64%
Germany 4 23 2 3 56%
The Netherlands 3 03 1 3 40%
Romania 3 34 4 4 72%
Spain 4 43 4 3 72%
The UK 5 43 3 3 72%
AVERAGE 3.6 2.8 3.2 2.2 2.6 58%
Table 1- Compliance with EED Article 4 requirements
7 ciency/studies/doc/2014_guidance_energy_renovation_buildings.pdf
market to invest in the supply States (Austria, Belgium (Brussels effective deep renovations,
chain. The existing European Capital Region), Czech Republic, forward-looking perspective
building stock is in dire need of Denmark, FRreannocvea,tiGoneSrmtraatnegy,ietshoef Selectetod EgUuiCdoeunintrvieesst2m01e4n|t7decisions
support because at current rates Netherlands, Romania, Spain and and evidence-based estimate
of renovation, the full potential for the UK), selected for their climate of expected savings and wider
cost-effective improvement will not and building stock diversity. The benefits. Table 1 reflects the
be achieved before the end of the report points to their overall score of each country covered
century, if at all. shortcomings, to provide a on compliance issues. Based on
suitable framework to build up this analysis, 3 of the 10 strategies
As the situation stands now, EU confidence in this market. The are found non-compliant
countries are not on track to study finds that many strategies (Austria, Denmark and The
upgrade their building stocks and lack boldness, determination and Netherlands), 3 are only partially
it could be argued that they fail forward thinking. compliant (France, Germany and
to acknowledge the urgency of Brussels Capital Region) and 4
renovating and to recognise the While none of the strategies are acceptable, but still show
multitude of benefits this could can be considered as best potential to improve (Czech
bring. Indeed, six countries have practice, some positive aspects Republic, Romania, Spain and the
yet to publish their strategies, stand out. And to put things into UK).
more than 6 months after the perspective, this was the first
Commission’s deadline (30th exercise of this sort for MS, so it In addition to the compliance
April 2014) and for those that can also be considered as part issues with Article 4, ambition
have published strategies, of a learning process. Member levels were also considered, only
there’s an overall sense of lack of States can, indeed must, further to conclude that overall they don’t
ambition. There are also serious improve their strategies as they rise to the occasion. Furthermore,
deficiencies in terms of basic will have to be updated in 3 years. only a few strategies include a
compliance with the European comprehensive policy mix that
legislation, according to a recent The report scores countries by could support the evolution of the
study1 by BPIE. using the 5 requirements from market for building renovation.
Article 4 of the EED, namely:
Renovation strategies of selected overview of the national building But the intention behind
EU countries examines a cross stock, cost-effective approaches undertaking this study was not
section of building renovation to renovations, policies and only to critique the compliance
strategies from 10 Member measures to stimulate cost- aspects and ambition levels. The
1) BPIE, Renovation strategies of selected EU countries. A status report on compliance with Article 4 of the Energy Efficiency Directive, November 2014,
source of inspiration to inform this part of the strategy.
Table 1 presents the assessment of each renovation strategy against each of the items, together with an
12overall scoreBWbUianstIeeLrdD20oI1Nn4 EGtuhSroepEpeNaenrEcERenenGrgtYaygInEenFooFvfaIttCioonItEaNl pCoYssible points.
Table 1 - Compliance with EED Article 4 requirements
COUNTRY Overview of Identi cation Policies to Forward-looking Estimate of OVERALL level
building stock of cost- stimulate perspective expected of compliance
e ective cost- to guide energy with Article 4
approaches to e ective investment savings and
renovation renovation decisions wider bene ts
Austria 3 21 0 1 28%
Brussels Capital Region 5 53 2 2 68%
Czech Republic 3 34 4 4 72%
Denmark 2 14 0 1 32%
France 4 44 2 2 64%
Germany 4 23 2 3 56%
The Netherlands 3 03 1 3 40%
Romania 3 34 4 4 72%
Spain 4 43 4 3 72%
The UK 5 43 3 3 72%
AVERAGE 3.6 2.8 3.2 2.2 2.6 58%
Table 1- Compliance with EED Article 4 requirements
7 ciency/studies/doc/2014_guidance_energy_renovation_buildings.pdf
market to invest in the supply States (Austria, Belgium (Brussels effective deep renovations,
chain. The existing European Capital Region), Czech Republic, forward-looking perspective
building stock is in dire need of Denmark, FRreannocvea,tiGoneSrmtraatnegy,ietshoef Selectetod EgUuiCdoeunintrvieesst2m01e4n|t7decisions
support because at current rates Netherlands, Romania, Spain and and evidence-based estimate
of renovation, the full potential for the UK), selected for their climate of expected savings and wider
cost-effective improvement will not and building stock diversity. The benefits. Table 1 reflects the
be achieved before the end of the report points to their overall score of each country covered
century, if at all. shortcomings, to provide a on compliance issues. Based on
suitable framework to build up this analysis, 3 of the 10 strategies
As the situation stands now, EU confidence in this market. The are found non-compliant
countries are not on track to study finds that many strategies (Austria, Denmark and The
upgrade their building stocks and lack boldness, determination and Netherlands), 3 are only partially
it could be argued that they fail forward thinking. compliant (France, Germany and
to acknowledge the urgency of Brussels Capital Region) and 4
renovating and to recognise the While none of the strategies are acceptable, but still show
multitude of benefits this could can be considered as best potential to improve (Czech
bring. Indeed, six countries have practice, some positive aspects Republic, Romania, Spain and the
yet to publish their strategies, stand out. And to put things into UK).
more than 6 months after the perspective, this was the first
Commission’s deadline (30th exercise of this sort for MS, so it In addition to the compliance
April 2014) and for those that can also be considered as part issues with Article 4, ambition
have published strategies, of a learning process. Member levels were also considered, only
there’s an overall sense of lack of States can, indeed must, further to conclude that overall they don’t
ambition. There are also serious improve their strategies as they rise to the occasion. Furthermore,
deficiencies in terms of basic will have to be updated in 3 years. only a few strategies include a
compliance with the European comprehensive policy mix that
legislation, according to a recent The report scores countries by could support the evolution of the
study1 by BPIE. using the 5 requirements from market for building renovation.
Article 4 of the EED, namely:
Renovation strategies of selected overview of the national building But the intention behind
EU countries examines a cross stock, cost-effective approaches undertaking this study was not
section of building renovation to renovations, policies and only to critique the compliance
strategies from 10 Member measures to stimulate cost- aspects and ambition levels. The
1) BPIE, Renovation strategies of selected EU countries. A status report on compliance with Article 4 of the Energy Efficiency Directive, November 2014,