Page 13 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 13
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
Looking at the coverage of the individual Article 4 requirements wBitUnIeLsDseIdNiGnSthEeNsEeRleGctYedEFstFraICteIgEieNsC, Y
BPIE has chosen the following ve strategies as comprising the best examples of each section from the
perspective of compliance with Article 4 requirements.
Section Best Practice example
Overview of national building stock United Kingdom
Cost-e ective approaches to renovations Brussels Capital Region
Policies to stimulate deep renovation Denmark
Forward-looking investment perspective Spain
Energy savings and wider bene ts Romania
Table 2 – Best examples of compliance with Article 4, EED
aim was also to spot and highlight leads and suggestions on how buildings leads to a wide variety
of other benefits - fuel poverty
examples of good practice, to improve their strategies and alleviation, improved indoor and
outdoor air quality, increased
which can be a learning point of establish a framework that can comfort, increased property
values, energy system benefits, as
reference as well as an inspiration achieve the true potential of well as energy bill savings, thus
answering some of the biggest
for those Member States transforming Europe’s built challenges of our time. If Member
States took this wide range of
struggling with their strategies. environment into a highly benefits into consideration, their
renovation strategies would have
These are exemplified in Table energy performing one with a much higher political profile
and urgency. Europe would then
2. The strongest point of most all the co-benefits it will bring. be well on its way to delivering
a building stock which provides
strategies was the characterisation The recommendations cover a comfortable, affordable and
sustainable place for people to
of the building stock - the UK several dimensions such as: live and work. l
leading the group- followed by stakeholder involvement, cost-
the policy description section. The effective approaches, recognition
most challenging aspect for MS of building market dynamics,
was conveying a forward-looking monitoring and so forth.
perspective in their strategies –
of the 10, the best example was What all stakeholders must keep
given by Spain. in mind is that achieving the
full potential for cost-effective
T50hhettrpe:/p/wowrwt .aielas.oorgg/Wiv/ebsooMksShospo/4m75e-Capturingc_tahreb_Monulteipmle_isBseinoentsr_eodf_uEncetirogyn_Einciency
There are several EU projects and initiatives that strive to RenaonvdatiiodneSnttriaftyeingigesboafrSreielercsteadnEdU Countries 2014 | 61
raise awareness about the benefits of renovating, build opportunities. 25 to 30 one stop
up confidence in the market and provide a toolkit to shops will be created by the end Collaboration for housing nZEB renovation
homeowners to undertake such works. The EU project of the project in March 2016.
“Collaboration for housing nearly zero energy renovation” Two interesting reports have recently been added to the
(COHERENO) makes a valuable contribution to achieving project’s library. The report Barriers and opportunities for
EU’s energy efficiency targets. How? By aiming to improve business collaboration in the nZEB single-family housing
the quality of construction measures, thus increasing renovation market2 analyses experiences from various
customer confidence in renovation works. supply-side actors who engaged in such collaboration
COHERENO will develop proposals and concepts for structures. Key barriers and opportunities for collaboration
promising cross-sector and company business models for and business model development in this market segment
high efficiency refurbishment of single-family houses to are listed.
nearly zero-energy levels. The models will pave the way The other report, Customer segments and value
for refurbishment from a single source, also called one- propositions in the nZEB single-family housing renovation
stop-shop. From financing, consulting and planning, to market3, analyses experiences from homeowners who
implementation – all parties in the construction process will recently renovated their house towards nZEB levels and
be involved. proposes national customer segmentation for business
Currently, the project partners are organising business modelling purposes.
collaboration events in the countries directly covered by For detailed information on the activities and results of this
the project (the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Norway, project please visit
and Germany) aimed at defining collaboration structures
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
Looking at the coverage of the individual Article 4 requirements wBitUnIeLsDseIdNiGnSthEeNsEeRleGctYedEFstFraICteIgEieNsC, Y
BPIE has chosen the following ve strategies as comprising the best examples of each section from the
perspective of compliance with Article 4 requirements.
Section Best Practice example
Overview of national building stock United Kingdom
Cost-e ective approaches to renovations Brussels Capital Region
Policies to stimulate deep renovation Denmark
Forward-looking investment perspective Spain
Energy savings and wider bene ts Romania
Table 2 – Best examples of compliance with Article 4, EED
aim was also to spot and highlight leads and suggestions on how buildings leads to a wide variety
of other benefits - fuel poverty
examples of good practice, to improve their strategies and alleviation, improved indoor and
outdoor air quality, increased
which can be a learning point of establish a framework that can comfort, increased property
values, energy system benefits, as
reference as well as an inspiration achieve the true potential of well as energy bill savings, thus
answering some of the biggest
for those Member States transforming Europe’s built challenges of our time. If Member
States took this wide range of
struggling with their strategies. environment into a highly benefits into consideration, their
renovation strategies would have
These are exemplified in Table energy performing one with a much higher political profile
and urgency. Europe would then
2. The strongest point of most all the co-benefits it will bring. be well on its way to delivering
a building stock which provides
strategies was the characterisation The recommendations cover a comfortable, affordable and
sustainable place for people to
of the building stock - the UK several dimensions such as: live and work. l
leading the group- followed by stakeholder involvement, cost-
the policy description section. The effective approaches, recognition
most challenging aspect for MS of building market dynamics,
was conveying a forward-looking monitoring and so forth.
perspective in their strategies –
of the 10, the best example was What all stakeholders must keep
given by Spain. in mind is that achieving the
full potential for cost-effective
T50hhettrpe:/p/wowrwt .aielas.oorgg/Wiv/ebsooMksShospo/4m75e-Capturingc_tahreb_Monulteipmle_isBseinoentsr_eodf_uEncetirogyn_Einciency
There are several EU projects and initiatives that strive to RenaonvdatiiodneSnttriaftyeingigesboafrSreielercsteadnEdU Countries 2014 | 61
raise awareness about the benefits of renovating, build opportunities. 25 to 30 one stop
up confidence in the market and provide a toolkit to shops will be created by the end Collaboration for housing nZEB renovation
homeowners to undertake such works. The EU project of the project in March 2016.
“Collaboration for housing nearly zero energy renovation” Two interesting reports have recently been added to the
(COHERENO) makes a valuable contribution to achieving project’s library. The report Barriers and opportunities for
EU’s energy efficiency targets. How? By aiming to improve business collaboration in the nZEB single-family housing
the quality of construction measures, thus increasing renovation market2 analyses experiences from various
customer confidence in renovation works. supply-side actors who engaged in such collaboration
COHERENO will develop proposals and concepts for structures. Key barriers and opportunities for collaboration
promising cross-sector and company business models for and business model development in this market segment
high efficiency refurbishment of single-family houses to are listed.
nearly zero-energy levels. The models will pave the way The other report, Customer segments and value
for refurbishment from a single source, also called one- propositions in the nZEB single-family housing renovation
stop-shop. From financing, consulting and planning, to market3, analyses experiences from homeowners who
implementation – all parties in the construction process will recently renovated their house towards nZEB levels and
be involved. proposes national customer segmentation for business
Currently, the project partners are organising business modelling purposes.
collaboration events in the countries directly covered by For detailed information on the activities and results of this
the project (the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Norway, project please visit
and Germany) aimed at defining collaboration structures