Page 46 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2016 publication
P. 46
46 Winter 2016 European Energy Innovation
Winter Energy Package:
towards a battery revolution?
By Francesco Gattiglio (pictured), EU Policy Officer, EUROBAT (Association of European Automotive and
Industrial Battery Manufacturers)
The long-awaited Winter the life of existing infrastructure, either
Energy Package was allowing deferral of investment or
published by the European entirely avoiding the need to make
Commission on 30 November. expensive investments in transmission/
The jumbo-package (more than distribution system upgrades.
1000 pages and 8 new legislative
proposals) includes several norms and At household level, a battery system
new legislation on energy efficiency, connected to a PV or small wind
energy market design, eco-design generator can increase the percentage
and renewables: more importantly of self-consumed electricity from
for battery energy storage, it finally about 30% without storage to around
includes an appropriate framework for 60-70%, optimizing efficiency and
energy storage. However, the package reducing the amount of additional
includes also some worrying signals power needed from the grid. Besides,
for renewable energy sources. The the batteries of electric and hybrid cars,
European Commission decided to as well as motive power batteries of
establish a conservative 2030 target machineries for material handling or
for renewables (27% of renewables ground support equipment, can also be
in the final energy consumption) and source of flexibility for the grid though
substantially limits priority of dispatch. demand response and aggregation.
Despite these signals, batteries will Overall, batteries can bolster Europe’s
be fundamental to properly integrate use of renewables, as well as its energy
renewables in the future energy system. efficiency, sustainability, independence
Batteries can store energy from on- and security. Despite technological
peak renewable energy and release advances, cost reduction and relevance
it when it is more needed, in central, of services offered by the four battery
de-centralized and off-grid situations. technologies (lead, lithium, sodium
Variable renewable generation, and nickel), battery energy storage has
combined with energy storage, so far been hampered by serious and
represents a fixed generation capacity unintended legislative barriers and the
which can be valued on capacity lack of an appropriate framework. The
markets. Additionally, storage devices proposal of the European Commission
can compensate for the destabilizing addresses most of these barriers,
effects of variable generation on grid recognizing the importance of battery
stability technologies and creating positive
conditions for Europe to fully embrace
Batteries can also offer grid support the battery energy storage revolution.
services like voltage control and
frequency regulation, so maintaining As EUROBAT, as highlighted in our
grid stability and flexibility. These paper on barriers, opportunities
battery services improve the working services and benefits of energy
conditions and stress-resistance of the storage, we believe that a first and
grid, extending its capacity and making very important decision is the inclusion
it more secure, reliable, and responsive. of a definition of energy storage
Battery energy storage can thus extend in the Electricity Directive: for the