Page 47 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2016 publication
P. 47
Winter 2016 European Energy Innovation 47
legislator, “‘energy storage’ means, On the negative side, the Commission
in the electricity system, deferring also stated that Transmission System
an amount of the electricity that was Operators (TSOs) and Distribution
generated to the moment of use, System Operators (DSOs) shall not
either as final energy or converted be allowed to own, develop, manage
into another energy carrier”. This or operate energy storage facilities.
definition finally recognizes the Exceptions to this rule are included in
existence and relevance of storage case of market failures. However, this
for the electricity system and it is a provision could limit the market potential
first step towards the establishment and full deployment of batteries.
of energy storage as a separate
component of the energy system Grid operators have a clear interest
(besides generation, transmission/ in directly operating storage systems
distribution and consumption) with its to balance the grid, and having direct
own characteristics and properties. control over them would allow a
safer and prompter balancing of the
Another extremely important decision electricity grid. A “build or buy” choice
is the proposal to remove discriminative would have been preferable, allowing
network tariffs against energy storage. grid operators to procure system
Storage systems take electricity from flexibility services from storage facilities
the grid when they are charging and in the market or fulfil their needs
inject electricity into the grid when themselves, depending on case by
they discharge. However, since some case situations. The creation of a proper
member states impose taxation on both market for storage services, allowing
generation and consumption, storage also small players to participate on an
system owners often have to pay equal stand, individually or through
double grid fees. The proposal of the aggregation, is anyway a positive news
Commission is the first step towards the of the package.
elimination of these unnecessary and
unjustified double grid fees. Overall, and despite some
shortcomings, EUROBAT members
It is also important that all market are convinced that the European
participants shall be financially Commission has decided to take the
responsible for imbalances they cause right decisions to stimulate the creation
in the system, thus incentivizing the of a proper market for advanced
providers of flexibility services such batteries for energy storage. Also the
as battery energy storage. Electricity measures to promote the deployment
prices actually reflecting actual demand of hybrid and electric vehicles go in the
and supply will be important tools to right direction. It will be important that
send correct market signals prices for in the coming months the European
demand-response, smart appliances institutions will keep working to
(including electric and hybrid vehicles promote the role and competitiveness
and motive power batteries) and of European battery producers, to keep
storage solutions like batteries and the production of such a key enabling
would generally act as a critically technology in Europe and take full
important tool for ensuring flexibility. advantage of the battery revolution. l