Page 50 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2016 publication
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50 Winter 2016 European Energy Innovation
the UK, Denmark or Norway. But there technologies for the monitoring of the international recognition. UNESCO
are also Belgian operators: Geosea sea level as well as the hydraulic and has also established its project office
and OWA (Offshore Wind Assistance) underwater constructions on shore for the International Oceanographic
are represented. And GEOxyz, which and at sea. The project “the Vlaamse Data & Information Change (IODE)
specialises in high technological Baaien” has provided a positive at the port. Close relationships with
underwater surveys and crew transfer, input towards opening the door for industry have been established. In
have based their fleet of 17 ships at developing new technologies in this 2010, the port of Oostende was one
the port in order to safeguard the field. Also, the port is investigating the of the founding fathers of the Flanders
maintenance and fleet management. possibility of establishing temporary Maritime Cluster (FMC), an interest
Next to GEOxyz, Survitec has opened and permanent test facilities in close group for all industries active in and
a new premise to secure the safety and cooperation with the marine and around the sea. It has its offices in the
security on board the vessels. maritime industry. Moreover, the wind port house in Oostende. And recently,
parks offer an opportunity for the the Belgian Offshore Cluster (BOC) has
In order to support this activity, the port offshore aquaculture to establish new been established, gathering different
of Oostende will invest in additional projects in cooperation with the wind industrial players in the offshore wind
efficient mooring infrastructure, as well park managers within the framework sector: they have organized the second
as a performing IT-systems to secure of marine spatial planning. In this edition of the Belgian Offshore days
efficient communication with the port spatial plan, there is also room for at the port of Oostende in April 2016
users and the nautical authorities. the exploitation and management of and were present as a cluster at Wind
More land will be made available for the seabed, the promotion of marine Energy Hamburg in September 2016.
a ship-building company that wants biotechnology, the cultivation of algae, They play an important role, especially
to provide innovative solutions for in full respect of the eco-system of the as the Flemish government in Brussels
developing more efficient vessels North Sea. still has not discovered the added
and satisfy the needs of the wind park value of this blue industry. Finally, the
operators. In order to realize these ambitions port is investigating opportunities
and targets, the port of Oostende is for cooperation with the airport of
BLUE GROWTH AT THE PORT working in close cooperation with Oostende-Brugge, for crew transfer
OF OOSTENDE: A PERMANENT different organizations and institutions and cargo supply.
CHALLENGE. that have established themselves
The construction and maintenance at the port. An important partner CONCLUSION
of the offshore wind parks represent in these developments is the POM The port of Oostende is a traditional
the most important parts of the Blue (Regional Development Agency) of port: general cargos, cruises, roll-on-
Growth development at the port of West-Vlaanderen, which launched “the roll off, fisheries, bulk are core activities
Oostende. Apart from wind energy, the Factory of the future Blue Energy” in within the port of Oostende and they
port is also considering other sources 2012, to support the clustering and are taken care of. New projects are
of blue energy: together with Marintek, branding of the marine and offshore established in the inner port within the
Sintef, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, industry in coastal regions. A joint field of circular economy, fine chemicals
the universities of Aalborg and Brindisi, venture has been set up with the (SEVESO-site) and the improvement
an analysis has been made of the role University of Gent which has resulted of the facilities for inland navigation.
that small and medium-seized ports can in the building of the Greenbridge Somehow, the port of Oostende has
play in the development of wave and incubator centre in the inner port, decided some years ago to diversify
tidal energy ( hosting start-ups and companies, the economic activities: the strategic
The port also actively supports several finding their way in renewable energy choice for the blue growth and the
practical projects from experimental and blue growth. Other knowledge investments in the development of
development up to full scale testing. centers that have established their the blue industry, have given the port
The wave projects Flansea and headquarters are ILVO and VLIZ . of Oostende a new important pillar to
Laminaria, that have been testing in ILVO is the Flemish institute for the guarantee its viability as a small and
and around the breakwaters of the port, research in fisheries and agriculture, medium-sized port in the North Sea. l
are excellent examples. which investigates new technologies
for fishing and the management of Contact details:
In addition to the production of the fish stocks in the North Sea. VLIZ
energy at sea, other opportunities is the Flemish institute for the Sea Wim Stubbe
can be realized within the the Blue and functions as a coordination- and Business Development Manager
Growth strategy. As a result of current information-platform for all scientific AG Haven Oostende
climate conditions, the North Sea is marine and maritime research in Email:
facing a rising of sea level. In order to Flanders. It has its own research vessel, Tel: +32 487 548 768
cope with this challenge it is important the Simon Stevin, and has built its Website:
to develop new techniques and own data-center which has gained