Page 53 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2016 publication
P. 53
Winter 2016 European Energy Innovation 53
actuated flexibility. They will also bring
benefits to consumers in the form of
better products (e.g. flexible payment
schemes and new tariff models such
as time of use prices) and a range of
value-added (energy management)
services.Smart meters will also make
retail market processes (switching,
billing, moving, etc.) and network
operation more efficient.
SMART METERING DEPLOYMENT IN functionalities that would include, for This is mainly because the supplier
THE EUROPEAN UNION example, the possibility of performing must get consumption/generation
The rollout of smart meters at European remote operations, the capability to measurements from any meter operator
level is, however, taking place at a provide actual, close to real time meter independent of its location, in the same
slower pace than expected because of readings or the possibility to support way that consumers must be able to get
varying cost-benefit analysis outcomes advanced tariff schemes. their historic data after having moved
in different European countries, as well to another location. The EG1 is now
as data privacy and security concerns. INTEROPERABILITY OF SMART looking at these processes used by EU
Although the Third Energy Package set METERS Member States and how they could be
the goal that 80% of the consumers The interoperability of smart meters has aligned.
should have a smart electricity meter in been a key issue since the European
2020, current estimates vary from 60- Commission issued the standardisation PRIVACY AND SECURITY
72% in those Member States that have mandate M441 in 2009 promoting Attitudes towards privacy and security
assessed the rollout to be economically interoperability and security of may vary across Member States, but
feasible. the interfaces in the infrastructure, all consumers will only be comfortable
including those used by consumers with access to - and use of - their
For now, 17 Members States have to get access to their data. Both the data if they are confident that their
decided on a full rollout with the smart meter coordination groups, data is secure and that their privacy is
minimal requirements included. Out CEN-CENELEC, and the Expert Group safeguarded. The public acceptance
of these 17 Member States, about four (EG1) of Smart Grid Task Force set is needed for a successful smart meter
have coverage of 80% of consumers up by the European Commission rollout.
or above. A few more are currently have shown that standards are
between 30% and 80% and some are available, but also that just selecting a Unlike PCs, tablets or smartphones
between 10% and 30% ; eight Member standard is not sufficient to reach full – which may generate much more
States have just started or have yet to interoperability. In the coming years, personal data than smart meters –
start implementation. We are still far the European Commission will follow smart meters are generally ‘imposed’
away from the original expectations. the implementation of standards on consumers by industry policy and
delivered by European standardisation regulatory choices. Suppliers and DSOs
Cautious of the situation, the European bodies. It will also analyse whether the must, therefore, take the time to explain
Commission decided to use its Clean European Standards for smart grids carefully why smart meters are needed,
Energy Package to step up pressure on and smart metering systems, as well prove - through innovative services
Member States to rollout smart meters. as the recommended functionalities - the added-value they represent,
The revised directive requires Member for the latter, are consistently applied how they will benefit consumers and,
States that proceed with deployment to ensure that they deliver the desired crucially, how/by whom the data
to adopt the minimum functional functionality and interoperability. generated by such meters will be used.
and technical requirements for smart
meters recommended by the European Currently, there is a need for Setting up of some minimum
Commission. It also requires Member a harmonised process for the requirements for security at European
States who decided not to roll-out to exchange and access to meter data. level is crucial in this regard. l
periodically revise their assessment.
Finally, where smart meters are not
rolled-out, Members States shall ensure
that every final consumer is entitled
to have installed or upgraded a smart
meter equipped with basic common