Page 57 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2016 publication
P. 57
Winter 2016 European Energy Innovation 57
The Rittershoffen project (Alsace, France) is an EGS project supplying heat to a local starch producer and biorefinery.
1. Increase reservoir performance14 €ct/kWhth for heat by 202515; exploration; deep drilling;
resulting in power demand of reservoir performance, production
reservoir pumps to below 10% of 4. Reduce the exploration costs by and well field development, including
gross energy generation and in 25% in 2025, and by 50% in 2050 reservoir, operation flexibility,
sustainable yield predicted for at compared to 2015; corrosion and scaling; surface
least 30 years by 2030; equipment; non-technical and
5. Reduce the unit cost of drilling (€/ environmental issues.
2. Improve the overall conversion MWh) by 15% in 2020, 30% in 2030
efficiency, including bottoming and by 50% in 2050 compared to Concrete steps can be taken to bring
cycle, of geothermal installations at 2015; geothermal technologies to full
different thermodynamic conditions commercial scale and to allow for
by 10% in 2030 and 20% in 2050; 6. Demonstrate the technical and widespread use of geothermal, and
economic feasibility of responding the Deep Geothermal ETIP and its
3. Reduce production costs of to commands from a grid operator, working groups are working towards
geothermal energy (including from at any time, to increase or decrease the goal. l
unconventional resources, EGS, output ramp up and down from
and/or from hybrid solutions which 60% – 110% of nominal power. Interested parties are welcome
couple geothermal with other to join the platform by visiting
renewable energy sources) below Five working groups are operating
10 €ct/kWhe for electricity and 5 to reach the objectives, focusing on: