Page 58 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2016 publication
P. 58
58 Winter 2016 European Energy Innovation
A successful energy transition can only
work with flexibility
By Thomas Speidel (pictured), CEO of ads-tec GmbH and President of the German Energy Storage
Association (BVES)
Apermanent balance We need the grid – there is no doubt storage systems installed in German
between generation about it - but grids can only do one households. With around 1,6 million
and demand is the thing. They are only able to take PV systems on German roofs, the
precondition for a stable energy from one place to another. retrofit potential is enormous and
and reliable electricity grid. In the They are a one-trick pony. by 2020 the number of residential
past, the energy system consisting of batteries is expected to grow to about
the three parts generation, transport In 2015, the cost for redispatch in 170,000. The constant growth of self-
and consumption was acting in a very Germany came into the range of consumption “behind-the-meter” sets
predictable way. The fast roll-out of one billion Euro already – and this new challenges for the grid operators,
renewable energy sources in a more especially, because the grid isn´t apt because not all systems act in a grid-
and more de-centralized system sets to bring the electricity to where it is supportive manner. Furthermore it
some significant new challenges for needed. implies a continuous and serious loss
the system. in clients which is a big challenge for
Energy storage can act like a many local utility companies.
A lot of discussions in the last couple „Swiss armyknife“ that unfolds its
years were always about whether we different tools depending on the To tackle this problem, mixed models
need either storage or the grid to specific application and particular are in the current center of attention,
facilitate the renewable infeed. The requirements. All energy storage e.g. in swarms or quarter storage
answer is, that for a successful and technologies offer different services projects. Besides the optimization of
widely accepted energy transition we and are the perfect enabler for self-consumption, other applications
will need both. flexibility in every scenario – also cross- are e.g. the provision of control energy
sectoral. or arbitrage businesses. Taking part in
several market segments allows higher
Pumped hydro storage has been returns and thus a faster amortization.
integrated successfully in the energy In a quarter storage concept,
system for many decades and has households do not even have to invest
proven its relevance for system in their own battery system, because
stability. they only lease their required capacity
in the centrally located storage unit.
Battery Storage Systems (BSS) are in
the current center of attention, because But also the grid operator profits
they can combine many business of those models by getting the
models. They react within milliseconds opportunity to control and monitor
and serve in many applications. the system. Additionally he can benefit
They are excellent for the provision from grid supporting services provided
of control energy in large scale by the storage system/s. Furthermore,
applications, but also and especially in also the regional utility company
residential areas for the optimization benefits from such models that bring
of self-consumption. Through the new business cases and economic
combination of photovoltaic (PV) value. Another very worthwhile fact
and a battery storage system also to mention in this context is electro-
households move their “private energy mobility as bidirectional charging
transition” forwards and become more (grid-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-grid)
independent from the rising electricity brings another valuable effect for grid
price at the same time. flexibility. In Germany, the ambitious
aim is to pass the threshold of 1 million
Currently there are around 45,000 electric vehicles in operation by 2020.