Page 61 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2016 publication
P. 61
Winter 2016 European Energy Innovation 61
Hoofdstructuur voor warmte
in renewable energy (mainly wind Hoofdstructuur voor warmte Leiden
and sun) will also provide for excess Zuid-Holland
renewable electricity when the supply Leiden
supersedes the demand, which power Den Haag Zoetermeer
can be converted to heat and stored.
Next to this close proximity of heat Den Haag ZPNoijeontoaetcrdkmoererp-er Capelle
demand and supply South Holland Vierpolders PRijontatecrkdearm- ad IJssel
is also a densely populated region Vierpolders Nootdorp
with 3.6 million people (1,6 milion Rotterdam Capelle
households) living in an area of 2,818 ad IJsselDordrecht
km2. The majority of these houses
have been built before 1960 which Dordrecht
makes it more difficult to fully isolate.
There are also apartments in buildings 16.1097
with 4 levels and above. This provides
South Holland with great economical 16.1097
and technical possibilities for collective
heating systems. It is also notable that the industry sources will include waste heat from
in Rotterdam discharges every year the Rotterdam port and industrial
With all the right conditions all-in an enormous amount of waste heat complex, as well as local waste heat,
the same region: (1) being a densily 150 PetaJoules. At the same time power to heat, solar thermal and
populated area and, (2) both a big households use 73 PJ for heating sources of geothermal energy. It is
demand for heat and an abundance of yearly. Providing these households therefore flexible and inclusive.
heat; a great possibility for a network with waste heat would save that
for heat comes up, named the heat same amount of gas and deliver 2. 4th Generation grid
roundabout a considerable lowering of CO2 This infrastructure includes a
emissions – over 4 Mton. transition path into low-temperature
FOCUS ON THE IMPORTANT ROLE space heating, Smart Thermal
TRANSITION HEAT ROUNDABOUT IN SOUTH the growth of local renewable
“No matter how many homes and HOLLAND heat sources and other innovative
schools we help to become energy “If waste is a resource, use and reuse measures.
neutral, nothing will structurally of excess heat becomes an essential
improve if we do not focus on the opportunity” 3. Transition path for waste heat
industries” – Arash Aazami The transition of the harbour into
Unique opportunities, therefore a circular harbour. As the harbour
Most policies and subsidies in abound, if and when heat sources and will become less reliant on fossil
the Netherlands focus on making heat consumers in Delft, The Hague, fuel and more sustainable, the
electricity in households sustainable. Rotterdam, Leiden and Westland are waste heat will become completely
A considerable effort goes into energy effectively matched and integrated. CO2 neutral. The harbour aims
efficiency measures (led lamps, and to transform its current important
energy saving appliance usage) and This innovative solution in the heat fossil energy based function into a
the production of solar and wind roundabout, “an infrastructure in renewable energy function.
power to produce this electricity. which water conveys heat to various
Only a small amount of effort goes customers in the southern part of the 4. Smart multi commodity grid
into measures for efficiency and more province of Zuid-Holland” is exemplary Dynamic energy management
green production for industry as well in four distinctive ways: of multiple energy sources like
as domestic heating. Considering that electricity, hydrogen, heat and
household electricity consumption 1. Integration of multiple sources biogas aggregated efficiently in one
accounts for only less than 2% of of heat hub system offering flexibility and
energy use in South Holland, while A heat infrastructure, in which heat storage. l
industry and heating account for
75%, this situation needs to be more