Page 26 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 26

26  Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation


A strong partnership to support
and Covenant of Mayors initiatives

By David Donnerer (pictured), Communication Officer, Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy

The EU has set itself a goal                hence key to foster green growth and        transport and ICT solutions is still risky.
            to reduce greenhouse gas        job creation.                               If these “smart tools” were widespread
            emissions to more than 80%                                                  across Europe, cities could optimise
            below 1990 levels by 2050.      The accelerating urbanisation by 2050       their energy infrastructures and make
It is an ambitious goal that will require   poses multiple challenges to Europe’s       their traffic management systems more
major changes to our energy and             cities, such as increasing traffic          efficient.
transport system. Therefore, Europe         congestion and air pollution which, in
has to decarbonise its energy sector        extremis, can make cities dysfunctional,    In order to boost the widespread
and shift to a more sustainable use of      undermine competitiveness and               uptake of smart solutions for energy
transport. This will only be possible       seriously affect quality of life.           and transport in cities, the European
when energy and transport are               Tackling these challenges effectively       Commission launched in 2012 the
supported by advanced information           is therefore a top priority to ensure       European Innovation Partnership for
and communication technologies.             sustainable, resilient and liveable cities  Smart Cities and Communities. The
                                            for EU citizens.                            partnership and its current
Cities have a crucial role to play in this                                              community of more than 6,300
process. In today’s Europe, about three     Many technologies which can                 members seeks to engage
quarters of the population live in or       potentially be used as part of smart        stakeholders at various levels from
around urban areas. While consuming         solutions and which deliver intelligent     cities, industry and research, in order
an approximately equal amount of            and resource-efficient energy and           to create a pipeline of projects worth
energy and emitting about the same          transport management are already            at least €1 billion of investment and
share of greenhouse gases, they create      available. However, their scale-up          involve 300 cities by the end of 2019.
about 80% of the EU’s GDP and are           in a fragmented market for energy,          This will build the nucleus of a real
                                                                                        Smart City market, which is based on
                                                                                        solid business models and bankability
                                                                                        of the promoted solutions.

                                                                                        The bottom-up work of the
                                                                                        EU Innovation Partnership is
                                                                                        supplemented and actively supported
                                                                                        by the so called “Smart City Lighthouse
                                                                                        projects”, funded with €300 million
                                                                                        by the EU Horizon 2020 programme.
                                                                                        Currently 12 Lighthouse projects are
                                                                                        operational, building an innovative
                                                                                        community of 36 so called Lighthouse
                                                                                        Cities being in the lead and 42
                                                                                        Follower Cities tasked to replicate
                                                                                        and further scale-up the solutions
                                                                                        demonstrated in the Lighthouse Cities.
                                                                                        And the collaboration between these
                                                                                        cities goes well beyond their project
                                                                                        scope, tackling common challenges
                                                                                        such as business models, replication
                                                                                        strategies, citizen involvement,
                                                                                        communication and technical aspects.

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