Page 30 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
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30 Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation
Breaking the silos: An integrated
approach to smart energy
By Frauke Thies, Executive Director, smartEn – the European association for smart energy solutions (pictured)
When Europe interaction at various levels. the management of decentralised
established its 2020 The integration and increasing solutions and services. New market
objectives for the electrification of transport and entrants like independent aggregators
energy transition heating, so called ‘sector coupling’, is are establishing themselves as
ten years ago, much of the debate advancing. Automotive manufacturers important players, and traditional
was focussed on the shift of energy are cooperating or even integrating manufacturing, telecommunications
resources, away from polluting fossil with heating and solar companies to and IT companies are entering the
fuels towards cleaner renewable promote interactive solutions. Smart energy space.
alternatives. Only few would have appliances and building automation
expected the entire sector, and its optimise consumers’ energy use, With the changing realities of the
prevalent business models, to change offering both comfort and the ability to energy system, regulation must also
so fast with it. In fact, when the Smart adjust to signals from the grid. adapt. Decentralised solutions are
Energy Demand Coalition, SEDC, set a central part of the Clean Energy
out to establish the demand-side as Services have moved beyond simple Package currently under negotiation
an interactive part of the energy value supply. Digitally-enabled business in Brussels. An updated market
chain, the system was characterised models have emerged from the design that enables the efficient
by centralised supplies, delivered need for facilitation, aggregation and uptake of demand response, storage
uni-directionally to largely passive market-placement of energy and and distributed generation is on the
consumers. Electricity, heating and services from distributed resources. table, including proposals to open
transport were separate sectors For example, companies specialise the markets for innovative products
with very little interaction. Today, it in the identification of flexibility and service providers. For example,
is commonly accepted that the new resources in large production sites, consumers should have the right to
energy world is different. helping consumers make use of their choose dynamic pricing offers or
potentials. Others provide residential engage in self-generation, buildings
On the technology side, we see energy users with solutions to optimise should become smarter and be
decentralised generation go along their local power production or the use certified as such, aggregators should
not only with the rapid evolution of of their heat pump. Many of the service be given non-discriminatory conditions
storage technologies, but also the providers themselves make use of to provide their services to consumers,
automation of devices, allowing for digital service platforms enabling their and distribution system operators
demand response and technology business. are encouraged to source efficient
flexibility services from the market.
Coupled with this, the roles of the
different actors can no longer be NOW, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR
classified as they were. While network THE STRUCTURE OF THE ENERGY
operation remains a contained role, SYSTEM?
the distinction between generators, Is the top-down approach to the
suppliers and consumers has energy system now giving way to a
given way to new concepts and bottom-up approach? Some current
combinations. Consumers are trends suggest so. Driven by existing
becoming generators, asset owners market rules and incentive structures
may be individuals, communities that are heavily determined by the
or pension funds, and new service blunting effects of rigid taxes, levies
providers have entered the market. and charges, many prosumers
We are seeing traditional energy using the new opportunities of self-
companies with previous portfolios generation and on-site flexibilities,
of coal or gas generation, selling choose to go off-grid or minimise
off their assets and investing in interaction with the system, rather