Page 32 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 32
32 Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation
Distributed flexibility and the
value of TSO/DSO Cooperation
Fostering active customer participation to value their services on the market
By ENTSO-E, European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
With the constant INTEGRATION OF DISTRIBUTED market design, ensuring seamless
increase of distributed FLEXIBILITY RESOURCES coordination between different
renewable generation DFR should be used – depending on market processes (from day-ahead
and storage, and the time and location – where they provide and intra-day markets to balancing
expected rise of active customers, the most value to the whole electricity and congestion management). This is
engaging in demand response, a key system: whether it be in portfolio key to delivering at all time frames an
question must be addressed: how optimisation and trading for market optimal use of resources, maximum
to integrate the flexibility services parties at day-ahead and intra-day value for consumers, and robust
provided by these new assets and markets, in congestion management security of supply.
actors into the internal energy market? for solving transmission and
European TSOs’ objective is not only distribution grid issues, or as balancing Furthermore, the market design should
to enhance system security for which resources for TSOs to maintain power strive to minimise the number of
they’re responsible, but also to ensure system security. different bidding processes and non-
that the value for end customers and coordinated products and to achieve
distributed flexibility resources (DFR) It is thus fundamental to develop a maximum liquidity, considering system
providers is maximised. coherent and user friendly overarching requirements, technical capabilities