Page 36 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 36

36  Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation


Energy efficiency to fight climate
change: the vital role of ICTs

By Malcolm Johnson, ITU Deputy Secretary General

The need for innovative                 But this progress did not happen                                             ICT-enabled solutions such as machine
            energy solutions to reduce  overnight.                                                                   learning, advanced data analytics
            carbon emissions has never                                                                               and distribution management
            been more urgent. And with  When I first joined ITU almost 11                                            systems have the potential to
last month’s Bonn Climate Change        years ago, climate change did not                                            manage electricity consumption and
Conference fresh in their minds, world  really figure in ITU’s work. I led the                                       significantly improve the efficiency of
leaders now face the challenging task   publication of ITU’s first report on                                         electricity grids. ITU's Standardization
of finding ways to translate ambition   ICTs and climate change in                                                   Section has outlined how smart grids
into action.                            December 2007, which highlighted                                             can help to mitigate climate change
                                        that while ICTs are a contributor to                                         by building more controllable and
Information and communication           greenhouse gas emissions, they                                               efficient energy systems.
technologies (ICTs) can help us fast-   are also an important element in
track progress. Innovative ICTs are     mitigating and adapting to climate                                           GREENER CITIES
powering smarter electricity grids,     change, and reducing overall                                                 Cities emit more than 70% of the
greener cities, and more efficient      emissions of greenhouse gases.                                               world’s total greenhouse gases,
agricultural practices. If we do it                                                                                  according to UN figures. ICT-enabled
right, ICTs can enable a 20%            Since then, ITU has been helping                                             solutions such as sensors, smart
reduction of global carbon emissions    Member States understand how to use                                          meters, automated control systems,
by 20301 and thus significantly         ICTs and satellite terminals for disaster                                    and the Internet of Things (IoT) offer
contribute towards the Paris            warning, mitigation, response and                                            an opportunity to reduce cities’ energy
agreement targets.                      recovery.                                                                    costs and decrease their emissions
                                                                                                                     by transforming urban infrastructure
ITU’S LEADING ROLE                      In addition to its focus on climate                                          with intelligent buildings, smart street
At the International                    change adaptation and mitigation, ITU                                        lights, more efficient transportation
Telecommunication Union (ITU) – the     has been leading the work to capitalize                                      systems, and smart energy and water
United Nations’ specialized agency      on the potential of ICTs to secure an                                        networks.
for ICTs – we are working to provide    energy-efficient future.
innovative technological solutions and                                                                               ITU is working on a number of
standards to help our government and    EARLY PROGRESS                                                               initiatives to build smart, sustainable
private-sector members reduce their     In many areas, we are seeing progress                                        cities. In 2016, for example, ITU
carbon emissions.                       on energy efficiency – sometimes                                             and the United Nations Economic
                                        known as ‘the fifth fuel’ due to its great                                   Commission for Europe (UNECE)
To minimize the carbon footprint of     potential to save energy.                                                    launched "United for Smart
the digital ecosystem, ITU and its                                                                                   Sustainable Cities" (U4SSC) to respond
members committed to reducing           Many big Internet companies, for                                             to the Sustainable Development Goal
greenhouse gas emissions per            example, are taking steps to power                                           11. U4SSC is now supported by 16
device by 30% by 2020. To meet this     their activities with renewable sources2.                                    United Nations bodies, and 50 cities
commitment, ITU has, for example,                                                                                    have joined the pilot project.
developed new international standards   In addition, emissions avoided through
to reduce the greenhouse gas            the use of ICTs are nearly ten times                                         These cities are implementing a set of
emissions of power feeding systems      greater than the emissions generated                                         key performance indicators developed
and data centres.                       by deploying it3.                                                            by ITU and UNECE that fall under five

1 GeSI Smarter 2020: The Role of ICTs in Driving a Sustainable Future. The Global e-Sustainability Initiative. 2012
2 Clicking Clean: Who is Winning the Race to Build a Clean Internet? GreenPeace, 2017.
3 GeSI Smarter 2020: The Role of ICTs in Driving a Sustainable Future. The Global e-Sustainability Initiative. 2012

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