Page 33 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 33

Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation  33

                                           ELECTRICITY MARKET INNOVATION

and commercial interest of the             and operational needs, it is                     providers’ bids and possible
providers.                                 fundamental to ensure a coherent and             limitations is essential especially
                                           integrated wholesale and retail market           close to real time.
DSOs and TSOs need to coordinate           building on the IEM, and allow further
closely and exchange the necessary         cross-border opportunities.                  FLEXIBILITY SERVICES TO BE USED
information for operating their                                                         WHERE THEY GENERATE THE
network securely and ensuring              KEY RECOMMENDATIONS                          HIGHEST VALUE
market efficiency. Such coordination       We further detail our key                    • Flexibility providers should be able
will, among others, avoids double or       recommendations for the integration
counter activation of the same service     of DFR in the market as follows with a           to offer their flexibility by placing
at the same time.                          focus on TSO-DSO cooperation:                    their bids in such a way that they
                                                                                            can be activated where they have
Local and national pilot projects are      A SOUND DEFINITION OF                            the highest value to them.
good steps forward as they allow           PRODUCTS TO SUIT THE SYSTEM                  • The market design should minimise
testing different strategies within a      AND GRID NEEDS                                   the number of different bidding
fast-evolving framework. Nevertheless,     • DSOs and TSOs need to assess                   processes to answer the various
economic efficiency principles must                                                         needs of system operators.
be considered at an early stage. It            the potential needs for DFR in               For instance, all congestion
must also be ensured that solutions            their network for congestion                 management needs for the TSO
are consistent with EU market design           management. Such needs should                network and DSO network should
principles. DFR integration should             be compared with existing and                preferably be fulfilled by a common
not lead to market fragmentation nor           foreseeable capacities of the                bid submission process, which
competition distortion, but should             potential flexibility providers and          could possibly be merged with
ensure neutrality, confidentiality and         defined clearly to attract the interest      the bidding processes used for
transparency. In particular, effective         of all relevant market parties.              balancing.
DSOs unbundling is key to ensure           • Suitable products should be
neutral market facilitation and fair           defined jointly by DSOs and TSOs         A SINGLE MARKETPLACE IS A
competition in procurement of                  before NRA approval, in order            POSSIBLE SOLUTION TO ADDRESS
flexibility services.                          to facilitate standardisation for        THESE CHALLENGES
                                               efficiency purposes. A certain           • A single marketplace at national
ENTSO-E highlights that the                    degree of flexibility may be needed
implementation and specific design             to allow for more local specificities        level1) for collecting and activating
questions of such a flexibility                or certain technical parameters              distributed flexibilities may be
marketplace are up to national                 in implementation. The number                a practical answer to different
decisions. At the same time, ENTSO-E           of products needs however to                 challenges: ensuring liquidity,
recommends defining and agreeing               be limited to minimise negative              building a level playing field for
overarching market design principles           impacts on market liquidity.                 different service providers in a
at the EU level, ensuring a direct                                                          user-friendly way and allowing the
relation between any buyer and             COORDINATION OF PROCESSES                        coordination of different market
provider of a product, and avoiding        AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE                         processes such as balancing and
a fragmentation of the market              BY TSOS AND DSOS IS KEY TO                       congestion management.
depending on voltage level.                GUARANTEEING OPTIMAL USE OF                  • It allows TSOs and DSOs to access
                                           RESOURCES AND SYSTEM SECURITY                    all bids and to mutually coordinate
In that sense, DFR providers should be     • Activation of DFR within the                   activations.
able to interact both with DSOs and                                                     • It simplifies access to all markets for
TSOs, depending to whom the service is         balancing or congestion                      DFR and ensures that DFR providers
sold. National implementations in which        management process shall not                 can participate in all processes
DFR providers can only beactivated             negatively impact the other                  collecting the maximum value for
through their local connecting DSO             processes. Therefore, TSOs and               their flexibility.
should be avoided (a scheme often              DSOs shall be able to set limitations
referred to as “cascading principle”), as      or activate DFR to solve congestions     Based on these principles, ENTSO-E
it would inevitably fragment liquidity         considering the geographical             recommends assessing different
and prevent system wide aggregation            location of the assets in a bid.         options and benchmarking them
in the balancing process.                      Also, the availability of contracted     against each other, as a basis for
                                               balancing reserves to TSOs must          agreeing on a future market design for
In the interest of both end consumers          not be endangered.                       DFR. ENTSO-E is looking forward to
                                           • Coordination between System                closely cooperate on this with DSOs
                                               Operators on activation of flexibility   and stakeholders. l
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