Page 31 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 31
Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation 31
than participating proactively. But “A sustainable, decentralised energy system will build on
make no mistake! Decentralisation an integrated perspective: Consumers, prosumers and
does not require fragmentation asset owners should be able to use and sell their energy
and autonomisation. A sustainable, and flexibility resources wherever they are most valuable
decentralised energy system will at any moment. “
build on an integrated perspective:
Consumers, prosumers and asset system. If, in many European countries, In this context, digital solutions will not
owners should be able to use and sell over two-thirds of a consumer’s energy only support the provision of services
their energy and flexibility resources bill consists of flat taxes, levies and to the system, but they are essential
wherever they are most valuable at any charges that are based on the kilowatt- also for the operation of markets and
moment. This means moving beyond hours consumed, grid defection is platforms. The market integration
silos of demand or supply, local- a natural reaction. Different options and evolution of new and innovative
level or system-level optimisation of should be explored to overcome this products on the power exchanges
resources. In such integrated markets, effect. Levies could be linked to the and the trialling of new approaches
distributed energy and flexibility point of fuel consumption, rather than to service acquisition by Transmission
supplies and services could be used final electricity; dynamic taxes linked and Distribution System Operators
at every level and purchased by all with the electricity market price should gives reason to be optimistic for the
different actors – Distribution System be assessed; VAT, which has been next steps.
Operators, Transmission System linked with the volumes of electricity,
Operators, and all market participants. could instead be based on purchasing In an increasingly decentralised,
For this to succeed, markets and price. Finally, if users can earn back decarbonised energy system, we
products must be streamlined between part of their network charges or benefit need the digitally enabled interaction
the local and regional level, between by selling services to the system, of millions of demand and supply
the provision of services for system monetising their energy and flexibility, assets and solutions. This requires an
operation and energy for supplies. they will tend to remain connected, integrated perspective - and this why
contributing to a sustainable, cost- the Smart Energy Demand Coalition,
The creation of a smart integrated effective and increasingly decentralised SEDC has become Smart Energy
system also means that taxes, levies energy system. Europe, smartEn. l
and grid-charges must be revisited,
encouraging smart interaction rather
than pushing users away from the
Prosumers consuming and delivering, new
service providers like aggregators, external
asset owners, digital platforms etc.
Technology Integrated approach Policy
Smart buildings,
to digital, decentralised, Clean Energy Package combines DR, DER,
aggregation of DR and DER, new business decarbonised solutions storage and EVs; common challenges and
Integration and electrification of heating
and transport; emergence of block chain
solutions etc.